
Skype disconnects when a POTS call comes in

  • Chris Worley

    Chris Worley - 2007-07-09

    Even if in USB mode, if an outside regular POTS call comes in while I'm on a skype call, the skype call gets disconnected.

    Do others experience the same?

    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-07-09

      I have this also.  In the source, we'll need to block the switch to USB mode when the handset is off-hook.  I'll take a look at this, and liaise with Simon.  More soon ...

    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-07-09

      Hold on, I misread.  I will check this out, and get back in a day or two (sorry for the delay, there's a lot on at work at the moment).

    • Chris Worley

      Chris Worley - 2007-10-15

      Am I still the only person who experiences this?

      Changing phones, USB cards, Telboxes has shown a great deal of variability in the problems... but this one persists.

      I got cut-off twice this morning on Skype calls, when an incoming POTS call caused the Skype to disconnect.  The "B2K Mode" in the "B2K Controller" window was set to USB.

      If nobody else experiences this, it must be A SuSE issue (as I've gathered I'm the only one using SuSE Linux).

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-10-16

      "Am I still the only person who experiences this?"
      Yes but only because you are so popular and no one likes the rest of us!

      This is an ongoing problem and I'm trying to come up with a solution. Actually I'm hoping Marcos, who is doing some reverse engineering of the telbox, will find a way to block the auto switching when a call comes in. At the moment the switch happens on the hardware level and can't be stopped the best we could do is auto hold the skype call on the switch and provide a way to switch back, but that is a pretty horrible solution.

      Can you tell me what happens in windows ?


      • Chris Worley

        Chris Worley - 2007-10-16

        > "Am I still the only person who experiences this?"
        > Yes but only because you are so popular and no one likes the rest of us! 

        That's me: the most popular geek in Linuxdom!

        I don't even answer POTS calls... they're always for my wife anyway.

        > This is an ongoing problem and I'm trying to come up with a solution. Actually I'm hoping Marcos, who
        > is doing some reverse engineering of the telbox, will find a way to block the auto switching when a
        > call comes in. At the moment the switch happens on the hardware level and can't be stopped the best we
        > could do is auto hold the skype call on the switch and provide a way to switch back, but that is a
        > pretty horrible solution.

        It's better than the status quo.  As long as there's an easy way to switch back to the Skype call, it would be acceptable.

        > Can you tell me what happens in windows ?

        I need to find cables long enough to get between the phone line and my only Windows box.

        Hint: They have an advanced option to set the PSTN line as busy when a Skype call is active.


    • Marcos

      Marcos - 2007-10-22

      That bug existed but was solved on Sunday. Please expect a new version of usb-b2k-api anytime soon. The new version will also be compatible with USB-B3G.

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-10-23

      New version is on the download page now.

    • Chris Worley

      Chris Worley - 2007-11-07

      Thank you very much.

      This is what I've been waiting for: unattended, it just works and keeps on working!  Kudos for an incredibly good job!

      On a side note, I saw a quote from the fellow that "invented" C++... it said something to the effect of: "I've always wanted my computer to be as easy to use as my phone... my wish has come true... now, I can't figure out how to use my phone either" ;)

      This quip, of course, doesn't apply: the current rev of the software makes the USBTelbox as easy to use as a POTS phone.  The integration with the Skype software is seamless and intuitive... better than any of the other Skype phones I've bought (with their Windows-only software... which is further made useless as Windows isn't a 24/7 OS).


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