
Stability problems continue

  • Frank Bennett

    Frank Bennett - 2007-05-20

    With the latest version (with the XFlush patch), kb2kskype
    continues to crash with errors like this:

      Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0xb4a)!

    There is a Trolltech page on this error here:

    It seems likely that one or more threads are attempting
    to touch the GUI directly.

    It would be great if this could be sorted out, this is a really
    handy device.

    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-05-20

      Bull in a china closet time.  I've been reading further about the async error, and it's perfectly possible that one of my own changes has caused this to raise its ugly interrupt.  Specifically, the use of a point for the phone number might well not be a meaningless bit of silliness on my part, but a genuinely BAD idea.  Will try rolling out the change and see how that affects things.

      • Simon_6162

        Simon_6162 - 2007-05-20


        In my original code I use signals and slots to pass messages from a non-gui threat (b2kinterface) to the gui, this causes the problem of the asyn error if you try and display any of them because messages arrive out of time. The solution is to replace the signals and slots from this thread with and events interpreter, but that sounded like allot of effort and I did a horrible fix by just not showing messages in the window. Also this is more a problem on multi-processor cpu's as threads are truely independant I have a single CPU so didn't realise this at the start. It is somthing on my list to fix, but if you want to have a go I won;t stop you.

        If you want to read more about this download the e-book called c++ gui programming with QT
        And read the chapter about threads, pdf page 375. I'd love to help you more but I have a bike to fix so I can get to work next week.


    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-05-20

      In the above message: s/point/pointer/

    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-05-20

      Have tried two things:
      - reverting to the use of an ordinary assignment for phoneNumber
      - cutting off the KDE bridge to SCIM (a foreign language input FEP)

      This seems to have improved things, but I'm still getting occasional
      async errors.  Could it be something in the way xmessages are set up?
      The problem was much worse when SCIM was installed, which I think
      uses xmessages for interprocess communication as well.


    • Frank Bennett

      Frank Bennett - 2007-05-20

      Thanks for the reference.  I'll fall silent for awhile, but if in a couple of weeks I start feeling confident that it's stable and working I'll write again.

      Good luck with the bike.  Here's a photo of my former station commuter bike here.  This one was stolen a couple of years ago, I now ride another that is just about as rusty.  :)



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