
Patch submitted for usbb2k-api

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2007-04-23

    Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but when using the usbbk2-api daemon, every 32nd kepress was always 0, regardless of what was actually pressed.

    If anyone else has had this problem (and it wasn't just my yealink box), you can get the submitted patch at the project page for usbb2k-api.


    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-04-23

      Thanks for letting me know about your patch, I will take a look and see if this happens with my box as well. Is your patch currently on or you will put it on when we test (basically I couldn't find it)?


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-04-23

        Wow! that was a quick response!  I wasn't even sure if this project was being kept up to date.

        I have submitted it to, you should be able to find it under (patch #5887).

        As that is the first patch I have ever submitted anywhere (yay!), I have no idea whether I have put it in the correct place.  It doesn't look like that project is being updated anyway - I noticed that they haven't done anything with your patch.


    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-04-23

      Thanks, I'm just really bored at work at the minute so am checking my email every 5 minutes.

      I think the authors have given up on the project as well but at least they have left it in a almost finished state and out of politeness I've been posting any changes on their site.

      I'll check it out and put it on the site here anyway.

      thanks for the help


    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-05-01

      Thanks for the patch my box does the same as you said, which is probably why I dialed the wrong number so much ! I will add it to the source and do a new release at the weekend, I need to fix a few other things in the source tree.

      Thanks for the help.


      p.s. I'll add your name to the change log.


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