

  • Rosen Vladimirov

    I have telbox.
    How to configure b2k controiler to work with twinkle.
    When dial from phone work, but not work when call to twinkle not ring tone to phone.


    • George Tellalov

      George Tellalov - 2009-02-19

      The twinkle support is very basic for the moment. Only dialing out works. The phone doesn't currently ring and you can't answer calls. I will try to add these features soon and post a patch in this thread.

    • Rosen Vladimirov

      I have idea but not found x11-message bus library for perl. Idea is a make small perl script for send ring message to x11-message bus and b2k lissen this. When twinkle begin resive ring execute it, and script for break resive ring.


    • Michael McGinnis

      I'm using Skype Out a lot, and it works great. But Id like to use my telbox to make free calls, you know, through my regular phone that is connected to it. I'm using Google Voice to specify the number I want to call, and that I want to use Gizmo5 to make it. Google Voice is supposed to call me back on my Gizmo5 SIP number, I'm supposed to answer it, and the call will be connected. But my phone doesn't ring. I guess Skype In works with kb2ksype, but it isn't free. Any ideas how to make free calls - and preferable receive them for free too? I was hoping I could use Gizmo5 or my Google Voice/Grand Central number instead of Skype In.

    • Diffident

      Diffident - 2009-05-12

      Any news on the twinkle support?  I'm willing to help test it out.



      • George Tellalov

        George Tellalov - 2009-05-13

        There's an application called siptelbox, that controls twinkle. It uses a temporary file for ringing - on incoming call the file is created and deleted when the call is accepted.
        kb2kskype can be patched to do that without much effort but I haven't got the time to do it.

        • Diffident

          Diffident - 2009-05-18

          Ah, thanks for the heads up with siptelbox.  I got it set up with twinkle with a bit of work.  Unfortunately, people calling me hear their echo when they speak.  Does kb2kskype do something to prevent/remove this echo or does skype usually take care of this?



      • George Tellalov

        George Tellalov - 2009-05-17

        Okay, here's my attempt to make incoming Twinkle calls work. I hit a stone on signal emitting so this patch won't compile. Hopefully somebody can figure out what's wrong, fix it and test it.

    • brian_p

      brian_p - 2009-05-22

      I applied your patches to the source tree in the Debian 0.3.8 package of kb2kskype and rebuilt the package successfully. No joy with incoming calls - the phone did not ring. When I get some more time I'll take another look at it.

    • brian_p

      brian_p - 2009-05-22

      I applied your patches to the source tree in the Debian 0.3.8 package of kb2kskype and rebuilt the package successfully. No joy with incoming calls - the phone did not ring. When I get some more time I'll take another look at it.

      • George Tellalov

        George Tellalov - 2009-05-25

        You need to configure twinkle to run programs on events like incoming call. The programs can be shell scripts that create and delete the file /tmp/twinkle_ring when the ringing is supposed to start and stop. When kb2kskype detects the existence of this file it will ring the phone. Just for the test you can try creating the file manually and the phone should ring.

    • boober fraggle

      boober fraggle - 2009-05-23

      OK, I give up, how do I get this to work with Twinkle?  When I set up it  (it works with skype and I have Twinkle working) and change the setting to use Twinkle it runs Skype anyhow, and if I exit Skype it wants me to start it?

      I am pretty sure I must have missed something simple since others have it working, but I can't see what.  I am running a Ubuntu desktop system.



    • boober fraggle

      boober fraggle - 2009-05-23

      OK, I give up, how do I get this to work with Twinkle?  When I set up it  (it works with skype and I have Twinkle working) and change the setting to use Twinkle it runs Skype anyhow, and if I exit Skype it wants me to start it?

      I am pretty sure I must have missed something simple since others have it working, but I can't see what.  I am running a Ubuntu desktop system.



    • brian_p

      brian_p - 2009-06-02

      George Tellalov said:

      > Just for the test you can try creating the file manually and the phone should ring.

      Thanks for the prod in the right direction. So

      touch twinkle_ring

      followed by

      cp twinkle_ring /tmp

      should do it? Unfortunately it didn't get the phone ringing. Any ideas?

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-12-11

    What is the current situation with Twinkle support?
    Does anyone have it working properly?

    Is there a page somewhere which details the setup steps that have to be done?

    Any info appreciated.



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