I have successfully installed the Mandriva RPMs in PCLinuxOS 2007.
The only problem apparent at this time is that the autolaunch script is not successfully launching the apps.
If I do it manually then all seems OK - with echo test.
To manually launch it I have to start the usbb2k-api and execute the script. All works OK then. It is set to start at boot.
It seems the api does not run continually but when started it stops again a short time later. It seems to me that it must not be running when the script needs it.
That is only guessing of course, as I am not familiar with these things.
If anyone has a fix for this I would appreciate it.
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Hi are you running the usbb2k-api script as the root user ? Also can you have a read through the system log and see if there is any relevant errors in there. If you find anything post it back here.
on fedora the system log is /var/log/messages
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First I must apologise for abandoning this and not replying to you. Personal stuff got in the way.
I have since installed the two PCLOS RPMs, and placed the autostart script in my KDE autostart directory.
I have it running OK, but manually as before. It is not starting properly with the start script. If I, in a terminal, run the api as root, and then call kb2k (user) then it runs reliably.
I have noticed that the USB device is not properly selected when it starts but simply selecting the PSTN button and then the USB immediately will get it to switch. In the B2K Mode section USB is selected, but not on the device. Selecting PSTN and then back to USB causes the device to switch over to USB - I can hear the relay switching.
Maybe you would prefer me to post this elsewhere - if so please let me know.
In essence I still have the same problem - the startup script is not doing what it should.
I don't have any experience of scripting, but will be glad to change the script and test it if that is of use. The Skype connection is not a daily necessity for me so no problems with testing.
The usb device not being set correctly is fixed in the new source code that I released a week or so ago, there should be an updated package soon.
I've looked into the startup script and it appears there has been a mistake made. When I changed the source tree for usbb2k_api last time we renamed allot of the files as there were some files called "usbb2k_api" names and soem "usbb2k-api" The startup script however was meant to be different from the main application and it seems it got changed so they have the same name. As a result the stop function kills the script and the program so the socket is never removed and the pid file is never removed.
First turn off skype and kb2kskype
then as root
killall -9 usbb2k_api
rm -f /var/run/usbb2k_api.pid
rm -f /tmp/usbb2k.sock
Thanks for getting back to me. I do remember making some change -api & _api when I tried the Mandriva RPM.
I got your changes done - after I realised I needed to copy the new api to the /etc/init.d directory.
I have to admit that I don't know what is doing what here, but here goes ......
I get
[quote]kb2kskype deamon not running
Please start the deamon then run this script again.[/quote]
when I log in to the Desktop.
I went to system services and attempted to start the usbb2k-api only to be told that "Cannot find usbb2k-api service".
Should this service name be usbb2k_api ?
Is this what is wrong?
If I start the usbb2k_api service as root from a terminal then I can start the kb2bskype daemon and all is OK.
When this is settled there is a question or two concerning the launching of Skype and the KDE session management - Restore Previous Session; also I think that the start script might be starting Skype in root mode requiring the root password. Putting a link into KDEAutostart for Skype starts it as user. Unfortunately putting the link into Autostart appears to launch two instances of Skype if the session is set to restore.
All of that is for later and I am not sure of what I am seeing yet. But I do see a prompt for the root password if I don't have a Skype link present. Some more testing is needed.
Thanks for the attention.
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usbb2k-api is the initialization script, and also the name of the service it is just a way of running the program(usbb2k_api) on system start.
usbb2k_api is the program that is actually running.
Check where the program usbb2k_api is installed.
Then open /etc/init.d/usbb2l-api and check the path at the top has the path to usbb2k_api
Let me know if you have to change anything.
Does the init script run when you call it from a terminal ? As root type "/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api start"
let me know any errors
Do you have chkconfig installed ? Type chkconfig --list as root and if allot of stuff comes out then you do.
To avoid the root password try copying the file instead of linking to it. I assume you mean the skypeautolaunch.sh script. The packages might have a different script to the one on the website so try that one, as it looks for the program already running. http://kb2kskype.sourceforge.net/downloads/skypeautolaunch.sh
I hope one of these helps
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$ which usbb2k_api
which: no usbb2k_api in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin/:sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/qt3/bin:/home/sean/bin:/usr/lib/qt3/bin)
One seems to say it is and the other it is not in
chkconfig is installed. Did you mean me to try something with this?
It is almost 1.30 am local time so I must go.
We have no power tomorrow so it is unlikely I will be here.
I will check back as soon as possible for further instructions. :)
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As root "chown root:root /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
"chomd 755 /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
this will solve the permission denied problem !
Can you manually check if these files are still there or if you file database that locate uses is out of date,
If they are still there run "chkconfig --del usbb2k_api" and check they are gone if they don't remove them manually. Then run "chkconfig --add usbb2k-api" and see if the new script is linked in the same folders eg
I also had a thought on the session restore problem but we should fix this issue first !
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"As root "chown root:root /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
"chomd 755 /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
this will solve the permission denied problem ! "
Yes I can now start the api from System - Services without error.
From a full reboot of the system, the autostart appears to now function properly. Both Skype and kb2kskype have launched properly on the few tests I have done.
Do you still want me to do the chkconfig as above?
I will do a few more reboots to ensure this is consistent, but I believe it is.
Then the matter of Sessions in KDE can be addressed hopefully.
I haven't got it right in my mind what is happening there, but will look more closely if this reboot situation is consistent.
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I'm glad the driver seems to be working now,you obviously don't need the extra chkconfig command. Thanks for finding the bug!
Can you give this autostart script a try please, it now looks to see if kde wants to start skype or kb2kskype, and if it doesn't then the script should start it.
I will need to fix this so that it still works for none kde users. but as you are using kde you will be fine.
I will try the script tomorrow - after 4 am here must get to bed. Thanks.
The present script has worked OK today providing that I reboot.
If I only end session in KDE things go a bit wrong. Something does not start as expected. I haven't given it much attention yet, just thought I would mention it.
The other thing I have noticed is with Skype .... If I try to ring a user who is offline I get told so in the Skype window and so I hang up.
The Skype window gets minimised, not returned to the tray (don't know if I am explaining this correctly). If I have a look at the Skype window again there is a tab still open for the unsuccessful call which only closes when I click on the red phone icon to hang up. I then click on the x in the top right corner, which closes Skype leaving it still in the tray and running.
I hope to report back tomorrow.
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Sorry about the delay in getting back to this.
The new startup script gave more problems on booting than the previous one and did not allow session end and restart without problems.
After a reboot things seemed to go OK but more often than not after the device is found it comes up with an error and trying again, and locks up.
This rarely happens with the older script.
After an end session there is always an error about k2bk.. not running (hope I am remembering correctly)
Just wondered if it is possible to check for things running (Skype etc) stop them and then start them again in proper sequence?
It might ensure a clean start every time, even at reboot.
I have reverted to the old script, wut if there is a particular sequence you wish me to test please post and I will try it with both scripts if you wish.
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I did some tests tonight to see if I could narrow down what is going wrong. Following is what I think is happening.
On some occasions the B2K Controller is not launching correctly, and all has to be done manually to get things working.
I took the autolauncher to the desktop to launch manually after the desktop was up.
I checked tat the usb2k_api was running (had noticed this needed to be restarted previously)
Launched the skypeautolauncher script (old version) ... Skype opened and registered, and after the preset delay (sleep=10) the B2K Controller launched, said it found the device, had a problem and was trying again.
As this happened I noticed that the usb2k_api SHUT DOWN!
This is intermittent.
Also, previously confusing the issue was Skype apparently launching requiring root password. This seems to happen if KDE Session Restore is set and Skype is running when the PC is shut down. It does not pose a problem, the password can be ignored, and it is purely due to the Skype install here. It happens even if the B2K Controller is not used.
So, I believe, that at times the usb2k_api is being killed by the B2K Controller, and at other times it is not.
I don't know if I should be able to launch the usb2k_api as a user, but I cannot. It must be launched as root even though it resides in /usr/bin/ and seems to have the correct permissions - user & group can read, root can read & write.
I hope this post is seen as I believe this intermittent killing of the api is what has caused the problems to date.
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usbb2k_api should only be run as root and you make a good point it should be in sbin (I suck at make files sorry.) I'll look at this, its because it needs to make a socket and bind libusb which need root privilages.
"The Skype window gets minimised, not returned to the tray". Complain to skype, I have and they still haven't done anything, if you can post a bug, they may do somthing if enough people complain.
I noticed that if you try and connect to the usbb2k-api with 2 clients at the same time it falls over, so when kb2kskype is launched it fails to connect, not sure what to do about this. I'll have a think. This might have somthing to do with your problem, are you seeing anything in the system log about it closing down ?
The erorr you see flash up on close is a warning to say you have closed skype so kb2kskype is closing as a result, if it isn't causing you problems don't worrie about it. If it is I can write a shut down script for kde to close them in the correct order, let me know.
"tab still open for the unsuccessful call" I'll look into it, I thought they closed themselves after 5 seconds, but I'll check.
I get the feeling some of the problems are comming from session restore in kde. Can you try excluding kb2kskype and skype from session restore.
go to control center -> kde components -> session manager and then add the names in advanced.
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Thanks for revisiting this.
At present I am manually launching both Skype and kb2bskype using the original launch script which is on my desktop.
Whenever kb2kskype fails to launch, it is because the api is not running. I have watched at times and it will be running before launching the script, but will stop during the script run and of course I get an error.
Launching the api again will allow everything to launch properly.
I believe most of the confusing events were because I am using the KDE restore session. Skype being launched from the restore asks for the root password - it opens OK if ignore is selected. Maybe the api was being affected also - maybe it was seeing two clients?
I had not thought of adding the apps to the exclusion list for restore.
I will do that and see how I get on. At least I won't have to remember to kill them before closing :)
From my point of view this is functional. Yes there are a couple of things that can do with a bit of tweaking. I am happy that it works and have no problem with manual launch or other little inconveniences. So thank you for this.
As I said previously, I rarely use it - a couple of times a week - and am quite prepared to carry out whatever tests you wish. Please bear in mind that I am a Linux newcomer so you would need to point me in the right direction for log files or whatever.
Oh yes - I tried to ring a Skype user who was not online. The Skype window eventually told me so and the red phone was highlighted. When I hung up my own phone Skype immediately minimised to the taskbar. When I had a look, the failed connection window was still open in Skype - I had to click the red phone to kill it. I can't be certain this happens everytime, but will continue to check with the new restore set up.
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Update - I have been launching things using the original script after logging in to KDE. I continue to get problems at times, and when I do the api is not running. Restarting the api and running the script again (having killed Skype and the faulting B2K app) gives me all working OK.
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"I'll doublecheck the startscript when making the new version packages :) "
It doesn't appear to be the startup script, but rather KB2KSkype that causes the problem.
It 'seems' as if it might be a time thing - usbb2k_api if running 'fresh' doesn't seem to fail.
Weird .......
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[quote]Have you managed to find out anything new on this issue ? [/quote]
I have no further information other than to say that when B2K starts after Skype it kills the api, which until that time can be seen running in the process list. Restarting the api and launching the script (having killed Skype and the faulting B2K) everything is OK almost every time.
If there is something I can check that might give you useful information please let me know and I will try.
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It now appears that it is no longer working at all.
The only changes I have made are whatever updates were available from the PCLOS repository.
This is what is now shown in the B2K window
Error Sending command Code 8
Error Sending command Code 9
Unknown Key: USB NOT FOUND
Error Sending command Code 8
I have successfully installed the Mandriva RPMs in PCLinuxOS 2007.
The only problem apparent at this time is that the autolaunch script is not successfully launching the apps.
If I do it manually then all seems OK - with echo test.
To manually launch it I have to start the usbb2k-api and execute the script. All works OK then. It is set to start at boot.
It seems the api does not run continually but when started it stops again a short time later. It seems to me that it must not be running when the script needs it.
That is only guessing of course, as I am not familiar with these things.
If anyone has a fix for this I would appreciate it.
Hi are you running the usbb2k-api script as the root user ? Also can you have a read through the system log and see if there is any relevant errors in there. If you find anything post it back here.
on fedora the system log is /var/log/messages
First I must apologise for abandoning this and not replying to you. Personal stuff got in the way.
I have since installed the two PCLOS RPMs, and placed the autostart script in my KDE autostart directory.
I have it running OK, but manually as before. It is not starting properly with the start script. If I, in a terminal, run the api as root, and then call kb2k (user) then it runs reliably.
I have noticed that the USB device is not properly selected when it starts but simply selecting the PSTN button and then the USB immediately will get it to switch. In the B2K Mode section USB is selected, but not on the device. Selecting PSTN and then back to USB causes the device to switch over to USB - I can hear the relay switching.
Maybe you would prefer me to post this elsewhere - if so please let me know.
In essence I still have the same problem - the startup script is not doing what it should.
I don't have any experience of scripting, but will be glad to change the script and test it if that is of use. The Skype connection is not a daily necessity for me so no problems with testing.
[code]Jul 12 20:59:03 localhost usbb2k_api[20026]: usbb2k init ok
Jul 12 20:59:03 localhost usbb2k_api[20026]: Error Lockf [/code]
I will do another start ans see if there are any more entries.
Code: code
"Jul 12 21:20:40 localhost net_applet[24616]: ### Program is starting ###
Jul 12 21:20:41 localhost net_applet[24616]: ### Program is exiting ###
Jul 12 21:22:19 localhost usbb2k_api[26436]: usbb2k init ok
Jul 12 21:22:21 localhost usbb2k_api[26436]: Init usb
Jul 12 21:23:01 localhost usbb2k_api[26572]: usbb2k init ok
Jul 12 21:23:02 localhost usbb2k_api[26572]: Init usb
Jul 12 21:23:02 localhost usbb2k_api[26572]: Thread USB"
There was no entry in messages for the failure to start on login.
The above entries are as a result of starting the app manually.
The usb device not being set correctly is fixed in the new source code that I released a week or so ago, there should be an updated package soon.
I've looked into the startup script and it appears there has been a mistake made. When I changed the source tree for usbb2k_api last time we renamed allot of the files as there were some files called "usbb2k_api" names and soem "usbb2k-api" The startup script however was meant to be different from the main application and it seems it got changed so they have the same name. As a result the stop function kills the script and the program so the socket is never removed and the pid file is never removed.
First turn off skype and kb2kskype
then as root
killall -9 usbb2k_api
rm -f /var/run/usbb2k_api.pid
rm -f /tmp/usbb2k.sock
Now replace the script
as root type
chkconfig --del usbb2k_api
cd /etc/init.d/
rm -f usbb2k_api
wget http://kb2kskype.sourceforge.net/downloads/usbb2k-api
chkconfig --add usbb2k-api
Let me know if this improves the situation, and I'll get some new packages done.
Thanks for getting back to me. I do remember making some change -api & _api when I tried the Mandriva RPM.
I got your changes done - after I realised I needed to copy the new api to the /etc/init.d directory.
I have to admit that I don't know what is doing what here, but here goes ......
I get
[quote]kb2kskype deamon not running
Please start the deamon then run this script again.[/quote]
when I log in to the Desktop.
I went to system services and attempted to start the usbb2k-api only to be told that "Cannot find usbb2k-api service".
Should this service name be usbb2k_api ?
Is this what is wrong?
If I start the usbb2k_api service as root from a terminal then I can start the kb2bskype daemon and all is OK.
When this is settled there is a question or two concerning the launching of Skype and the KDE session management - Restore Previous Session; also I think that the start script might be starting Skype in root mode requiring the root password. Putting a link into KDEAutostart for Skype starts it as user. Unfortunately putting the link into Autostart appears to launch two instances of Skype if the session is set to restore.
All of that is for later and I am not sure of what I am seeing yet. But I do see a prompt for the root password if I don't have a Skype link present. Some more testing is needed.
Thanks for the attention.
usbb2k-api is the initialization script, and also the name of the service it is just a way of running the program(usbb2k_api) on system start.
usbb2k_api is the program that is actually running.
Check where the program usbb2k_api is installed.
Then open /etc/init.d/usbb2l-api and check the path at the top has the path to usbb2k_api
Let me know if you have to change anything.
Does the init script run when you call it from a terminal ? As root type "/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api start"
let me know any errors
Do you have chkconfig installed ? Type chkconfig --list as root and if allot of stuff comes out then you do.
To avoid the root password try copying the file instead of linking to it. I assume you mean the skypeautolaunch.sh script. The packages might have a different script to the one on the website so try that one, as it looks for the program already running. http://kb2kskype.sourceforge.net/downloads/skypeautolaunch.sh
I hope one of these helps
I think I understand so here goes ...
This looks odd to me - but what do I know
$ locate usbb2k_api
Yet this is what I get
$ which usbb2k_api
which: no usbb2k_api in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin/:sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/qt3/bin:/home/sean/bin:/usr/lib/qt3/bin)
One seems to say it is and the other it is not in
The PATH= does have /usr/bin so it should be OK.
# /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api start
bash: /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api: Permission denied
chkconfig is installed. Did you mean me to try something with this?
It is almost 1.30 am local time so I must go.
We have no power tomorrow so it is unlikely I will be here.
I will check back as soon as possible for further instructions. :)
As root "chown root:root /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
"chomd 755 /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
this will solve the permission denied problem !
Can you manually check if these files are still there or if you file database that locate uses is out of date,
If they are still there run "chkconfig --del usbb2k_api" and check they are gone if they don't remove them manually. Then run "chkconfig --add usbb2k-api" and see if the new script is linked in the same folders eg
I also had a thought on the session restore problem but we should fix this issue first !
"As root "chown root:root /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
"chomd 755 /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api"
this will solve the permission denied problem ! "
Yes I can now start the api from System - Services without error.
From a full reboot of the system, the autostart appears to now function properly. Both Skype and kb2kskype have launched properly on the few tests I have done.
Do you still want me to do the chkconfig as above?
I will do a few more reboots to ensure this is consistent, but I believe it is.
Then the matter of Sessions in KDE can be addressed hopefully.
I haven't got it right in my mind what is happening there, but will look more closely if this reboot situation is consistent.
The result of locate before I make any changes except the permission one above.
# locate usbb2k
I had some inconsistency of starting on reboots. I have changed the sleep=10 to sleep=15 in the startup script and this seems to have helped.
I'm glad the driver seems to be working now,you obviously don't need the extra chkconfig command. Thanks for finding the bug!
Can you give this autostart script a try please, it now looks to see if kde wants to start skype or kb2kskype, and if it doesn't then the script should start it.
I will need to fix this so that it still works for none kde users. but as you are using kde you will be fine.
I will try the script tomorrow - after 4 am here must get to bed. Thanks.
The present script has worked OK today providing that I reboot.
If I only end session in KDE things go a bit wrong. Something does not start as expected. I haven't given it much attention yet, just thought I would mention it.
The other thing I have noticed is with Skype .... If I try to ring a user who is offline I get told so in the Skype window and so I hang up.
The Skype window gets minimised, not returned to the tray (don't know if I am explaining this correctly). If I have a look at the Skype window again there is a tab still open for the unsuccessful call which only closes when I click on the red phone icon to hang up. I then click on the x in the top right corner, which closes Skype leaving it still in the tray and running.
I hope to report back tomorrow.
Sorry about the delay in getting back to this.
The new startup script gave more problems on booting than the previous one and did not allow session end and restart without problems.
After a reboot things seemed to go OK but more often than not after the device is found it comes up with an error and trying again, and locks up.
This rarely happens with the older script.
After an end session there is always an error about k2bk.. not running (hope I am remembering correctly)
Just wondered if it is possible to check for things running (Skype etc) stop them and then start them again in proper sequence?
It might ensure a clean start every time, even at reboot.
I have reverted to the old script, wut if there is a particular sequence you wish me to test please post and I will try it with both scripts if you wish.
Got a chance to revisit this today.
It appears that the /usr/bin/usbb2k_api file had its permissions changed, don't know how. I don't think I reinstalled it.
Anyway setting the permissions to allow use access allowed things to work OK again.
Strange thing is - sometimes it worked and others not. Oh well!
I will keep an eye on that for the next week or so.
I did some tests tonight to see if I could narrow down what is going wrong. Following is what I think is happening.
On some occasions the B2K Controller is not launching correctly, and all has to be done manually to get things working.
I took the autolauncher to the desktop to launch manually after the desktop was up.
I checked tat the usb2k_api was running (had noticed this needed to be restarted previously)
Launched the skypeautolauncher script (old version) ... Skype opened and registered, and after the preset delay (sleep=10) the B2K Controller launched, said it found the device, had a problem and was trying again.
As this happened I noticed that the usb2k_api SHUT DOWN!
This is intermittent.
Also, previously confusing the issue was Skype apparently launching requiring root password. This seems to happen if KDE Session Restore is set and Skype is running when the PC is shut down. It does not pose a problem, the password can be ignored, and it is purely due to the Skype install here. It happens even if the B2K Controller is not used.
So, I believe, that at times the usb2k_api is being killed by the B2K Controller, and at other times it is not.
I don't know if I should be able to launch the usb2k_api as a user, but I cannot. It must be launched as root even though it resides in /usr/bin/ and seems to have the correct permissions - user & group can read, root can read & write.
I hope this post is seen as I believe this intermittent killing of the api is what has caused the problems to date.
Hi sorry for the delay,
usbb2k_api should only be run as root and you make a good point it should be in sbin (I suck at make files sorry.) I'll look at this, its because it needs to make a socket and bind libusb which need root privilages.
"The Skype window gets minimised, not returned to the tray". Complain to skype, I have and they still haven't done anything, if you can post a bug, they may do somthing if enough people complain.
I noticed that if you try and connect to the usbb2k-api with 2 clients at the same time it falls over, so when kb2kskype is launched it fails to connect, not sure what to do about this. I'll have a think. This might have somthing to do with your problem, are you seeing anything in the system log about it closing down ?
The erorr you see flash up on close is a warning to say you have closed skype so kb2kskype is closing as a result, if it isn't causing you problems don't worrie about it. If it is I can write a shut down script for kde to close them in the correct order, let me know.
"tab still open for the unsuccessful call" I'll look into it, I thought they closed themselves after 5 seconds, but I'll check.
I get the feeling some of the problems are comming from session restore in kde. Can you try excluding kb2kskype and skype from session restore.
go to control center -> kde components -> session manager and then add the names in advanced.
Thanks for revisiting this.
At present I am manually launching both Skype and kb2bskype using the original launch script which is on my desktop.
Whenever kb2kskype fails to launch, it is because the api is not running. I have watched at times and it will be running before launching the script, but will stop during the script run and of course I get an error.
Launching the api again will allow everything to launch properly.
I believe most of the confusing events were because I am using the KDE restore session. Skype being launched from the restore asks for the root password - it opens OK if ignore is selected. Maybe the api was being affected also - maybe it was seeing two clients?
I had not thought of adding the apps to the exclusion list for restore.
I will do that and see how I get on. At least I won't have to remember to kill them before closing :)
From my point of view this is functional. Yes there are a couple of things that can do with a bit of tweaking. I am happy that it works and have no problem with manual launch or other little inconveniences. So thank you for this.
As I said previously, I rarely use it - a couple of times a week - and am quite prepared to carry out whatever tests you wish. Please bear in mind that I am a Linux newcomer so you would need to point me in the right direction for log files or whatever.
Oh yes - I tried to ring a Skype user who was not online. The Skype window eventually told me so and the red phone was highlighted. When I hung up my own phone Skype immediately minimised to the taskbar. When I had a look, the failed connection window was still open in Skype - I had to click the red phone to kill it. I can't be certain this happens everytime, but will continue to check with the new restore set up.
I'll doublecheck the startscript when making the new version packages :)
Thank you.
Update - I have been launching things using the original script after logging in to KDE. I continue to get problems at times, and when I do the api is not running. Restarting the api and running the script again (having killed Skype and the faulting B2K app) gives me all working OK.
"I'll doublecheck the startscript when making the new version packages :) "
It doesn't appear to be the startup script, but rather KB2KSkype that causes the problem.
It 'seems' as if it might be a time thing - usbb2k_api if running 'fresh' doesn't seem to fail.
Weird .......
Have you managed to find out anything new on this issue ?
[quote]Have you managed to find out anything new on this issue ? [/quote]
I have no further information other than to say that when B2K starts after Skype it kills the api, which until that time can be seen running in the process list. Restarting the api and launching the script (having killed Skype and the faulting B2K) everything is OK almost every time.
If there is something I can check that might give you useful information please let me know and I will try.
It now appears that it is no longer working at all.
The only changes I have made are whatever updates were available from the PCLOS repository.
This is what is now shown in the B2K window
Error Sending command Code 8
Error Sending command Code 9
Unknown Key: USB NOT FOUND
Error Sending command Code 8
Code: code