
Kazama / News: Recent posts

Still Not Dead

Wow.. it's really been half a year since I've updated this? I'm so sorry guys. :( I have every intention of continuing to work on this, but things have been a bit crazy here. One major problem is that I need to buy a new monitor since I'm using this horribly old CRT after my nice LCD screen died and it's just painful to look at. I'm hoping to get that in the next week or so and then begin working on the project again.... read more

Posted by Joe Wright 2010-01-31


I just wanted to thank everyone that's taken a look at this project, sent me emails, and even put up links to this project on their sites. I'm honestly a bit flabbergasted.

I started this project as a simple solo "I wonder if I can make a fighting game?" project, and it's progressed into something much bigger than I thought it would. I never thought I'd be getting so many web hits or emails. I thought it would be lost in the clutter of the internet and nobody would even know it existed. I'm glad I was wrong. :)... read more

Posted by Joe Wright 2009-07-04