
Karrigell-2.2.5 released

The main changes in this version of Karrigell are :
- the Open Source licence changes from GPL to BSD
- logging management (written by Radavan Garabik)
: new options loggingFile and loggingParameters
- new options in configuration file : debug
manages the "Debug" button when exceptions occur
in scripts ; reloadModules specifies if modules
must be reloaded at each request

Bug fixes
- option encodeFormData was not managed correctly
(bug report by Helmut Jarausch)
- cookies attributes (path, expiry date...) were
erased at each request. 2 variables now manage
cookies : COOKIE is the cookies received from the
browser ; SET_COOKIE is used by a script to set a
cookie in the browser. Bug report by Joe Correia
- mask k_session and KarrigellRequestHandler for
virtual hosts

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-05-14

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