
Karrigell 2.2 beta released

This is the new version of Karrigell, a simple and full-featured Pythonic web framework, with an almost flat learning curve

It brings many important new features :

* the built-in web server has been rewritten, it is now fully asynchronous and is more stable than the previous one. I have tested it with 50 concurrent users loading huge files (60 Mb) and it never
* support of virtual hosts : tha ability to serve different host names on the same server. When used behind Apache, this allows serving multiple domain names with the same instance of the built-in server
* the default database engine is now KirbyBase, a pure Python flat-file database ( It replaces gadfly, the SQL engine which is no longer maintained and requires Python2.2 ; the dbStorage modules have been removed. If you need them for backwards compatibility you can download an old version of Karrigell and copy the directories gadlfy-1.0.0 and databases
* refactoring of the Template module : the execution of scripts is now passed to modules mod_(extension).py. You can write your own modules to manage specific extensions
* for instance, a module is included to bring a first level of Cheetah support ; Cheetah is a well-known templating engine, also included in the Karrigell distribution
* a new exception SCRIPT_ERROR has been added : raise SCRIPT_ERROR,msg prints the message msg and stops the script execution
* new formatting rules in the wiki demo + bug fixes

Because of the many changes, this is a beta version. Testing of and feedback on the new features is very much appreciated !


Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-10-31

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