
Karrigell-2.1.9 released

Karrigell is a simple yet full-featured Python web framework

Besides a couple of bug fixes, this version adds many
new features :

* in Karrigell Services : better testing of the available
functions (completes the security fix of version 2.1.8) ;
introduction of "private" functions, starting with "_" (they
can be called by the other functions in the script, but not
by a url)

* for security reasons, the script k_password which
generates the administrator's login and password has
been put in the directory admin, and all the demos share
the same administrator data

* an option has been added in the configuration file,
allow_directory_listings : it can be set to "all" (every
visitor can see the directory listings), "none" (no one can
see them) or "admin" (only the administrator)

* another option, hide_extensions, lists the file
extensions which can't be shown to the client

* the management of module reloading on debug
mode has been changed : only the modules whose
source code has changed since the last request are reloaded

* a module called modify_request is called on every
request ; it defines two functions, modify_headers() and
modify_path(). Modifying this module allow site
administrators to adapt to specific situations (change the
'host' header when running behind a proxy for instance)

* the error code management has been changed : 300
for multiple index files, 403 for forbidden directory listing

* smart urls (requested by Radovan Garabik) : for
Karrigell scripts, a function can be called by
http://host/service.ks/function/foo/bar ; the subpath is
available in THIS.subpath

The presentation of the home page, tour and
documentation adopts the same look and feel as the
home page on sourceforge ; the organization of the
documentation has been slightly modified, with new
pages for "programming" and "debugging"

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-09-10

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