
Karrigell-2.1.6 released

Karrigell is a simple but full-featured Python web framework

This new version is mainly a bugfix version :

* if the root directory is different from the server
directory , the error pages were not found

* in HTMLTags, in some cases unexpected line feeds
were generated

* bug in gzip support in k_config

* mimetypes defined in the configuration file were not
always taken into account

* in debug mode, some modules were reloaded by

* RESPONSE was case-sensitive, that is,
RESPONSE['Content-type'] = 'text/plain' did not override
RESPONSE['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'

A couple of new features have been added :

* user-defined redirections use the HTTP code 302
(temporary) instead of permanent (301)

* in the configuration file an option "ignore" in the
[Server] section defines the urls for which a file not found
error should result in HTTP code 204 (No content)
instead of 404 (File not found). By default, this is used
for the url /favicon.ico which is searched by most

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-06-26

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