
Karrigell-2.1.2 released

Karrigell is a 100% Python, lightweight but full-featured web framework, including a web server and a database

The main changes in this new release are :

- a change in the default web server : instead of the SocketServer-based server, the one used when running python is now an asyncore-based, asynchronous web server. From the measures I have made it it something like 30% faster than the previous one, and seems very stable. The SocketServer-based server can still be used, running python
- the If-Modified-Since header is now handled for static pages (patch by Luca Montecchiani)
- the Content-Length header was missing
- a new module called HTMLTags has been added, it can be used to generate HTML with Python functions. For instance, print A('Go there',href="") generates the HTML <A HREF="">Go there</A>
- the Component features present in the previous versions has been removed. The concept of ready-to-use pieces of code still makes sense to me, but the implementation was ugly and bugged (trying to include components in other components failed). Perhaps it will come back in a future version, if I can find better ways to implement it
- the small, all-Python KirbyBase database has been included in the package, with some demos already running with it (more support will be added in the next versions)
- changes in to make the namespace for script execution cleaner

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-03-13

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