Activity for KAREL 3D

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    find path and traverse it - kids can draw their own path and test program room: X.2-Y.1-ZT.1 X.2-Y.1-ZK.2 X.3-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.1-ZT.1 X.8-Y.1-ZT.1 X.9-Y.1-ZT.1 X.10-Y.1-ZT.1 X.11-Y.1-ZT.1 X.12-Y.1-ZT.1 X.13-Y.1-ZT.1 X.14-Y.1-ZT.1 X.15-Y.1-ZT.1 X.16-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.2-ZT.1 X.5-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.2-ZT.1 X.8-Y.2-ZT.1 X.16-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.3-ZT.1 X.8-Y.3-ZT.1 X.10-Y.3-ZT.1 X.11-Y.3-ZT.1 X.12-Y.3-ZT.1 X.13-Y.3-ZT.1 X.16-Y.3-ZT.1 X.2-Y.4-ZT.1 X.3-Y.4-ZT.1 X.4-Y.4-ZT.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.1 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1 X.8-Y.4-ZT.1 X.10-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    find path and traverse it - kids can draw their own path and test program room: X.2-Y.1-ZT.1 X.2-Y.1-ZK.2 X.3-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.1-ZT.1 X.8-Y.1-ZT.1 X.9-Y.1-ZT.1 X.10-Y.1-ZT.1 X.11-Y.1-ZT.1 X.12-Y.1-ZT.1 X.13-Y.1-ZT.1 X.14-Y.1-ZT.1 X.15-Y.1-ZT.1 X.16-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.2-ZT.1 X.5-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.2-ZT.1 X.8-Y.2-ZT.1 X.16-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.3-ZT.1 X.8-Y.3-ZT.1 X.10-Y.3-ZT.1 X.11-Y.3-ZT.1 X.12-Y.3-ZT.1 X.13-Y.3-ZT.1 X.16-Y.3-ZT.1 X.2-Y.4-ZT.1 X.3-Y.4-ZT.1 X.4-Y.4-ZT.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.1 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1 X.8-Y.4-ZT.1 X.10-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Andrej Podhajsky Andrej Podhajsky posted a comment on a wiki page

    find path and traverse it - kids can draw their own path and test program room: X.1-Y.1-ZK.1 X.2-Y.1-ZT.1 X.3-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.1-ZT.1 X.8-Y.1-ZT.1 X.9-Y.1-ZT.1 X.10-Y.1-ZT.1 X.11-Y.1-ZT.1 X.12-Y.1-ZT.1 X.13-Y.1-ZT.1 X.14-Y.1-ZT.1 X.15-Y.1-ZT.1 X.16-Y.1-ZT.1 X.4-Y.2-ZT.1 X.5-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.2-ZT.1 X.8-Y.2-ZT.1 X.16-Y.2-ZT.1 X.6-Y.3-ZT.1 X.8-Y.3-ZT.1 X.10-Y.3-ZT.1 X.11-Y.3-ZT.1 X.12-Y.3-ZT.1 X.13-Y.3-ZT.1 X.16-Y.3-ZT.1 X.2-Y.4-ZT.1 X.3-Y.4-ZT.1 X.4-Y.4-ZT.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.1 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1 X.8-Y.4-ZT.1 X.10-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej posted a comment on a wiki page

    Karel 3D original historical manuals in Slovak language from years 1987 - 1990 in JPG

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    // How does a Robot know where the bigger block is? // place mark under Karel if block before is bigger // than block of brick on left // write: mark-bigger // into dialog on bottom // for run program command mark-bigger begin unmark if is brick then take move-left if is brick then take move-right mark-bigger put move-left put move-right else move-right mark-bigger put mark *if *if end command move-left begin left-side walk right-side end command move-right begin right-side walk left-side end

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    // How does a Robot know where the bigger block is? // place mark under Karel if block before is bigger // than block of brick on left // write: mark-bigger // into dialog on bottom // for run program command mark-bigger begin unmark if is brick then take move-left if is brick then take move-right mark-bigger put move-left put move-right else move-right mark-bigger put mark if if end command move-left begin left-side walk right-side end command move-right begin right-side walk left-side end

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej posted a comment on a wiki page

    // How does a Robot know where the bigger block is? // place mark under Karel if block before is bigger // than block of brick on left // write: mark-bigger // into dialog on bottom // for run program command mark-bigger begin unmark if is brick then take move-left if is brick then take move-right mark-bigger put move-left put move-right else move-right mark-bigger put mark if if end command move-left begin left-side walk right-side end command move-right begin right-side walk left-side end

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej posted a comment on a wiki page

    Wave effect of boxs, see screen shot or video on YT.

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    Toto je slovenský príklad ( example in slovak ) : ZNIČ MOST TAK, ABY SI NESPADOL Spúšťa sa v dialógu príkazom (run in dialog): znicmost English: Name: Destroy bridges that so robot do not fall. For automatic translate commands in this example, After copy & paste, insert into dialog commands >SLOVENSKY ENGLISH Najprv skontroluj že si v slovenskom jazyku (alebo do dialógového riadku napíš: >SLOVENSKY ) Príkazy skopíruj na čierne miesto v pravo, vedľa miestnosti v ktorej je Karel: PRIKAZ cvz ZACIATOK...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    Toto je slovenský príklad ( example in slovak ) : ZNIČ MOST TAK, ABY SI NESPADOL Spúšťa sa v dialógu príkazom (run in dialog): znicmost English: Name: Destroy bridges so that they do not fall. For automatic translate commands in this example, After copy & paste, insert into dialog commands >SLOVENSKY ENGLISH Najprv skontroluj že si v slovenskom jazyku (alebo do dialógového riadku napíš: >SLOVENSKY ) Príkazy skopíruj na čierne miesto v pravo, vedľa miestnosti v ktorej je Karel: PRIKAZ cvz ZACIATOK...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej posted a comment on a wiki page

    (slovensky) ZNIČ MOST TAK, ABY SI NESPADOL spustiť v dialógu (run in dialog): znicmost English: Name: Destroy bridges so that they do not fall. For automatic translate commands in this example, After copy & paste, insert into dialog commands >SLOVENSKY ENGLISH Najprv skontroluj že si v slovenskom jazyku (alebo do dialógového riadku napíš: >SLOVENSKY ) Príkazy skopíruj na čierne miesto v pravo, vedľa miestnosti v ktorej je Karel: PRIKAZ cvz ZACIATOK VLAVO-BOK 2 KONIEC prikaz znicmost zaciatok urob...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    This is example with name: STAIRS BUILDER First check if you are in english (or just write >ENGLISH into dialog(bottom place)) Insert/replace this COMMANDS data into black place to right of the Karel: COMMAND cvz BEGIN LEFT-SIDE 2 END command g begin while is free work walk *while if is brick then cvz walk cvz put g *if end Insert/replace this ROOM data into blue place(right) and enter command in dialog(bottom place) >ROOM 2 ROOM: X.1-Y.4-ZK.1 X.2-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.3-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.4-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.2 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    This is example with name: STAIRS BUILDER First check if you are in english (or just write >ENGLISH into dialog(bottom place)) Insert/replace this COMMADNS data into black place to right of the Karel: COMMAND cvz BEGIN LEFT-SIDE 2 END command g begin while is free work walk *while if is brick then cvz walk cvz put g *if end Insert/replace this ROOM data into blue place(right) and enter command in dialog(bottom place) >ROOM 2 ROOM: X.1-Y.4-ZK.1 X.2-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.3-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.4-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.2 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej modified a comment on a wiki page

    This is example with name: STAIRS BUILDER First check if you are in english (or just write >ENGLISH into dialog(bottom place)) Insert/replace this COMMADNS data into black place to right of the Karel: COMMAND cvz BEGIN LEFT-SIDE 2 END command g begin while is free work walk *while if is brick then cvz walk cvz put g *if end Insert/replace this ROOM data into blue place(right) and enter command in dialog(bottom place) >ROOM 2 ROOM: X.1-Y.4-ZK.1 X.2-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.3-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.4-Y.4-ZZ.1 X.5-Y.4-ZT.2 X.6-Y.4-ZT.1...

  • Viktor Mlej Viktor Mlej posted a comment on a wiki page

    ============================================================== - This is example with name: STAIRS BUILDER First check if you are in english (or just write >ENGLISH into dialog(bottom place)) Insert/replace this COMMADNS data into black place to right of the Karel: COMMAND cvz BEGIN LEFT-SIDE 2 END command g begin while is free work walk *while if is brick then cvz walk cvz put g *if end Insert/replace this ROOM data into blue place(right) and enter command in dialog(bottom place) >ROOM 2 ROOM: X.1-Y.4-ZK.1...

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /

  • KAREL 3D KAREL 3D released /