
Version 1.3.6 has been submitted to AppStore

Version 1.3.6 has been submitted today to the Apple AppStore for approval.

New in this version
- switch to deactivate a single database. A deactivated database may still be used as a dictionary, but is excluded from the learning process (test and drill)
- faster application startup, even with a huge number of cards in the daily test
- badge in the application icon to show the number of cards in the daily test and drill. You must start the application once a day before the badge shows the correct number.
- visual feedback for adding a card to the drill list from the list of matches after a full text search (highlight icon on the right side)
- bugfix: empty card during daily test in case of low memory
- ported to OS version 3.0

Posted by Mathias Kussinger 2009-08-11

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