
Kanban Board

Rebecca Shalfield

Kanban Board

At Kanbanara?s heart is its kanban board. Developed as a Kanban system from the outset. Kanbanara is centered around its kanban board, its main page being the kanban board itself. Its kanban board is not a bolt-on to an existing non-agile PM tool. This will possess the columns representing the steps and states of your workflow that cards pass through from inception to completion.

Saying Kanbanara has one Kanban board is a little simplistic as in fact the cards that get displayed in the columns can be in one of 51 different styles depending on which aspect of a card you wish to zero in on. The available card styles are Tabbed, Absenteeism, Activity, AffectsVersion, Attachments, Attributes, Avatar, Blockages, Bypass Reviews, Checklist, Children, Class Of Service, Comments, Co-Owner, Co-Reviewer, Cost, Cost of Delay, Creator, CRM Cases, Customer, Custom Attributes, Customisable, Days in State, Deadline, Deferrals, Difficulty, Emotions, Escalation, External Reference, FixVersion, Focus, Hashtags, Hierarchical, Identifier, Iteration, Last Changed, Last Touched, Lipsum, Next Action, New, Owner Unassigned, Reassignments, Recidivism, Recurring, Release, Reopened, Resolution, Reviewer, Scheduled Date, Scope Creep, Search, Severity, Similars, Sources, Status, Subteam, Test Cases, Time, Today, Velocity, Votes, Yesterday and Internals.

All outstanding cards for a release, regardless of owner, can be seen on the single kanban board.

Tabbed dialog kanban board defaults to showing Status tab allowing you to clearly see the latest status for a card.

Individual card can be isolated on the kanban board, showing just itself and any children it may possess.

Ability to see the corresponding kanban board for anyone else on the team.

Where a card is missing an attribute so as to fail to display any useful information on a particular kanban board format, the card will still appear but as a placeholder, thereby reminding the team member to not forget about such a card!
Daily Kanban Board

Kanbanara also possesses a Daily Kanban Board which features the same state columns as the normal kanban board but only shows those cards which have a deadline, next action date, scheduled date (and time) or startby date set for the day selected, be it today or up to 14 days into the future. To get the best out of the Daily Kanban Board, you will need to set your own local timezone if different to UTC.
Card Styles

The global filter allows you to select the card style that will be displayed on the kanban board. Such card styles fall into two categories - “Full”, where every cards is displayed in that style and “Placeholder”, where a particular card not possessing a certain attribute is displayed as a placeholder. The available card styles that can be displayed on the kanban board are as follows:
Tabbed Card Style

The tabbed kanban board format shows each card with a number of tabs, thereby allowing each card to contain much more information than in other formats.
Absenteeism Card Style

The absenteeism kanban board format alerts you to whether anyone on your team will be absent and unable, say, to review a card you are waiting for.
Activity Card Style

The Activity Card Style singles out those cards having been updated in the preceding 24 hours.
AffectsVersion Card Style

The AffectsVersion Card Style singles out those cards having had its affectsversion attribute set.
Attachments Card Style

The Attachments Card Style singles out those cards possessing attachments.
Attributes Card Style

The attributes kanban board shows all the set attributes for each card.
Avatar Card Style

The avatar kanban board shows the owner, co-owner, reviewer, co-reviewer, quality analyst and co-quality analyst avatars for each card.
Blockages Card Style

The Blockages Card Style singles out those cards which are currently blocked.
Bypass Reviews Card Style

The Bypass Reviews Card Style singles out those cards that are set to bypass the testing state(s).
Checklist Card Style

For any cards with children, such children are shown in the form of a checklist.
Children Card Style

The Children Card Style singles out those cards possessing children.
Class Of Service Card Style

The Class of Service Card Style singles out those cards having their class of service attribute set.
Comments Card Style

The Comments Card Style singles out those cards having had one or more comments added.
Co-Owner Card Style

The Co-Owner Card Style singles out those cards having had a co-owner assigned.
Co-Reviewer Card Style

The Co-Reviewer Card Style singles out those cards having had a co-reviewer assigned.
Cost Card Style

The Cost Card Style shows the estimated and actual cost for each card.
Cost of Delay Card Style

The Qualitative Cost of Delay Card Style allows you to display the Cost of Delay associated with an individual card as calculated from its assigned Qualitative Value and Qualitative Urgency settings.
Creator Card Style

CRM Cases Card Style

The CRM Cases Card Style singles out those cards having had an CRM case number assigned.
Custom Attributes Card Style

The Custom Attributes Card Style shows just a card?s custom attributes.
Customer Card Style

The Customer Card Style singles out those cards having had a customer assigned.
Customisable Card Style

The Customisable Card Style displays each kanban card with just those attributes you are interested in by working in conjunction with the Settings/Customise Kanban Card menu option.
Days in State Card Style

The Days in State Card Style highlights the number of days each card has remained in its current state.
Deadline Card Style

The Deadline Card Style singles out those cards to which a deadline has been set.
Deferrals Card Style

The Deferrals Card Style singles out those cards that have been deferred, the reason as to why and on which date (if set) when they will be undeferred. This deferral mechanism also doubles for placing a card ‘on hold?.
Difficulty Card Style

The Difficulty Card Style highlights the difficulty rating assigned to each card.
Emotions Card Style

The Emotions Card Style singles out those cards having had an emotion assigned.
Escalation Card Style

The Escalation Card Style singles out those cards having had an escalation assigned.
External Reference Card Style

The External Reference Card Style singles out those cards having had an external reference assigned.
Scheduled Date Card Style

The Scheduled Date Card Style singles out those cards to which a scheduled start date has been set.
FixVersion Card Style

The FixVersion Card Style singles out those cards having had a fixversion assigned.
Focus Card Style

The Focus Card Style shows which cards are currently in focus and at what date a card was last in focus.
Hashtags Card Style

The Hashtags Card Style singles out those cards having had one or more hashtags assigned.
Hierarchical Card Style

The Hierarchical Card Style shows each card together with its parent hierarchy and any card it facilitates in a hierarchical syle.
Identifier Card Style

The Identifier Card Style highlights the identifier automatically assigned to each card.
Iteration Card Style

The Iteration Card Style singles out those cards assigned to an iteration.
Last Changed Card Style

The Last Changed Card Style highlights the date each card was last changed.
Last Touched Card Style

The Last Touched Card Style highlights the date each card was last touched.
Lipsum Card Style

The Lipsum Card Style shows just a card?s title but as Lorem Ipsum style text. A card?s real title can be seen as a popup when hovered over.
Minimum Marketable Releases (MMRs) Card Style

The Minimum Marketable Releases (MMRs) Card Style singles out those cards to which one or more Minimum Marketable Release (MMR) has been assigned, showing ‘No MMRs’ for the rest.
Next Action Card Style

The Next Action Card Style singles out those cards to which a next action date has been set, showing placeholders for the rest.
New Card Style

The New Card Style singles out those cards having arrived into a particular column/state within the last 24 hours.
Owner Unassigned Card Style

The Owner Unassigned Card Style singles out those cards still requiring an owner to be assigned.
Reassignments Card Style

Recidivism Card Style

The Recidivism Card Style singles out those cards that have been moved backwards on the kanban board and what their current recidivism rate is.
Recurring Card Style

The Recurring Card Style singles out those cards scheduled to be recurring upon closure.
Release Card Style

The Release Card Style singles out those cards assigned to a release.
Reopened Card Style

The Reopened Card Style singles out those cards which have been reopened after being closed.
Resolution Card Style

Reviewer Card Style

The Reviewer Card Style singles out those cards still requiring a reviewer to be assigned or those bypassing the review stage altogether, otherwise it just displays the name of the reviewer.
Scope Creep Card Style
Search Card Style
Severity Card Style

The Severity Card Style highlights the severity to each card.
Similars Card Style

Sources Card Style

The Sources Card Style highlights the source, if one, to each card.
Status Card Style

Subteam Card Style

Tags Card Style

The Tags Card Style singles out those cards having had one or more tags assigned.
Test Cases Card Style

Time Card Style

The Time Card Style shows the estimated and actual time for each card.
Today Card Style

The Today Card Style singles out those cards which you need to deal with today.
Velocity Card Style

The Velocity Card Style graphically indicates how fast (hare) or slow (tortoise) a particular card is moving across the Kanban board.
Votes Card Style
Yesterday Card Style

The Yesterday Card Style singles out those cards which you changed or touched yesterday.

Internals Card Style

The Internals Card Style shows all the attributes of each card, including their internal ones.

States Card Style

The States Card Style is only utilised by the ‘Disowned by Workflow? column.

Push or Pull

Card can’t be moved to a new state if its children forbid it.


Any buffer column on the kanban board will have diagonal stripes as its background. Any reviewer- or quality assurance-centric column on the kanban board will have horizontal stripes as its background. All other columns will have a black background.

Drag And Drop

A card may be dragged and dropped from one state to another on the kanban board, even backwards if deemed necessary. Depending on where a card is dropped, the priority may be altered as well. Dropping on a particular priority section in the new state will alter the priority accordingly. Dropping on the new state?s header will preserve the priority as is.

Drag and drop is fully implemented on both the kanban board and the backlog sorter, allowing you to not only drag a card from one state to another, but also change its priority, and in the case of the backlog sorter, a card?s severity also, as required.


The waiting section within a particular column holds any cards that the team member whose kanban board is currently being viewed has completed and moved to the next state but a corresponding owner/co-owner/reviewer/co-reviewer/Quality Analyst/Co-Quality Analyst has yet to do the same.


An individual card can be deferred or placed on hold either indefinitely or until a specified date. Unlike other project management systems, a card can be deferred whilst in any state except closed.


Warning given if in a Review column but no reviewer assigned.

Warning given if in a Quality Assurance (QA) column but no quality analyst assigned.

Date for next action can be individually set per card. Visual notification/warning will be given when date is approaching or has passed. Such cards can be viewed on mass on the Action kanban board.

Due date for completion (deadline) can be individually set per card. Visual notification/warning will be given when date is approaching or has passed. Such cards can be viewed on mass on the Deadline kanban board.

Expedite Swim Lane

Kanbanara features an expedite swim lane allowing you to expedite just one card per project at any one time.

Kanbanara possesses an expedite swim lane to allow one card per project to be expedited in order to speed its flow across the kanban board. Just click on the ‘Expedite? option on the required card?s menu to render it expedited, whereupon the expedite swim lane will appear if not already.

Future Projections

In addition to today?s kanban board, Kanbanara allows you to project into the future and see the kanban board of tomorrow and five further days into the future. Any hidden cards destined to have reappeared by then will be shown as such. Any cards deferred or blocked until one such date will be shown normally rather than in the deferred or blocked section.
Last Column/State on Kanban Board

User can set a time period for the number of cards in the last state they want displayed.

As all cards will eventually end up in the last column/state on your kanban board (by default the closed state) one way or another, unless of course deleted, the number of cards displayed can be restricted to those cards closed in the last five years right down to those closed within the last hour.


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