
Database Schema

Rebecca Shalfield

Database Schema¶

_id [internal]

artifacts [list]

actualcost [float]

actualcosthistory [list of dictionaries]:

    actualcost [float]

    datetime [datetime]

    username [string]

actualtime [float]

actualtimehistory [list of dictionaries]:

    actualtime [float]

    datetime [datetime]

    username [string]

blocked [string]

blockedhistory [list of dictionaries]:

    action [string]

    datetime [datetime]

    reason [string]

    username [string]

comments [list]

coowner [string]

coqualityanalyst [string]

coreviewer [string]

creator [string]

difficulty [string]

estimatedcost [float]

estimatedcosthistory [list of dictionaries]:

    datetime [datetime]

    estimatedcost [float]

    username [string]

estimatedtime [float]

estimatedtimehistory [list of dictionaries]:

    datetime [datetime]

    estimatedtime [float]

    username [string]

hierarchy [string]

history [list of dictionaries]:

    attribute [string]

    datetime [datetime]

    mode [string]

    username [string]

    value [string]

id [string]

lastchanged [datetime]

lastchangedby [string]

lasttouched [datetime]

lasttouchedby [string]

mode [string]

owner [string]

position [integer]

priority [string]

project [string]

qualityanalyst [string]

reassigncoowner [string]

reassigncoqualityanalyst [string]

reassigncoreviewer [string]

reassignowner [string]

reassignqualityanalyst [string]

reassignreviewer [string]

recurring [boolean]

reopened [boolean]

resolution [string]

reviewer [string]

rules [list of dictionaries]:

    components [list]

    lasttriggered [datetime]

    rule [string]

    status [string]

    usage [string]

severity [string]

state [string]

statehistory [list of dictionaries]:

    datetime [datetime]

    state [string]

    username [string]

testcases [list]

title [string]

type [string]


_id [internal]

card [string]

category [string]

classofservice [string]

columns [string]

customer [string]

displayname [string]

filterbarcomponents [dictionary]:

    card [boolean]

    category [boolean]

    classofservice [boolean]

    columns [boolean]

    customer [boolean]

    fontsize [boolean]

    hashtag [boolean]

    iteration [boolean]

    kanbanboard [boolean]

    priority [boolean]

    project [boolean]

    release [boolean]

    severity [boolean]

    subteam [boolean]

    swimlanes [boolean]

    teammember [boolean]

    type [boolean]

filtername [string]

filters [list of dictionaries]:

    card [string]

    category [string]

    columns [string]

    customer [string]

    filtername [string]

    fontsize [string]

    hashtag [string]

    iteration [string]

    kanbanboard [string]

    priority [string]

    project [string]

    release [string]

    severity [string]

    subteam [string]

    teammember [string]

    type [string]

firstname [string]

fontsize [string]

fullname [string]

hashtag [string]

iteration [string]

kanbanboard [string]

lastname [string]

listview [list]

priority [string]

project [string]

projects [list of dictionaries]:

    project [string]

    role [string]

project_wips [dictionary]:

    <project> [dictionary]:

        closedwip [string]

        enforcewiplimits [boolean]

        step<step_no>buffermaxwip [integer]

        step<step_no>bufferminwip [integer]

        step<step_no>counterpartmaxwip [integer]

        step<step_no>counterpartminwip [integer]

        step<step_no>mainmaxwip [integer]

        step<step_no>mainminwip [integer]

release [string]

reports [list of dictionaries]:

    reportname [string]

    reportcriteria [string]

routine_cards [list]

severity [string]

subteam [string]

swimlanes [string]

team [string]

teammember [string]

theme [string]

type [string]

username [string]


_id [internal]

announcements [list]

categories [list of dictionaries]:

    category [string]

    colour [string]

creator [string]

currency [string]

customattributes [dictionary]

customstates [dictionary]

entrycriteria [dictionary]

exitcriteria [dictionary]

global_wips [dictionary]:

    closedwip [string]

    enforcewiplimits [boolean]

    step<step_no>sharedmaxwip [integer]

    wip_grouping [string]

    wip_limit [integer]

    wip_scope [string]

master_host [string]

master_port [string]

members [list of dictionaries]:

    colour [string]

    role [string]

    username [string]

nextcardnumber [integer]

next_synchronisation [datetime]

project [string]

project_normalised [string]

releases [list of dictionaries]:

    end_date [datetime]

    release [string]

    start_date [datetime]

role [string]

synchronisation_period [string]

synchronised_upto [integer should be datetime]

workflow [list of exactly 12 dictionaries]:

    buffercolumn [dictionary]:

        name [string]

        centric [string]

        state [string]

        description [string]

    counterpartcolumn [dictionary]:

        name [string]

        centric [string]

        state [string]

        description [string]

    maincolumn [dictionary]:

        name [string]

        centric [string]

        state [string]

        description [string]

    step [string]

workflow_index [dictionary]:

    buffer_column_centrics [list]

    buffer_column_descriptions [list]

    buffer_column_names [list]

    buffer_column_states [list]

    condensed_column_names [list]

    condensed_column_states [list]

    condensed_column_states_dict [dictionary]

    counterpart_column_centrics [list]

    counterpart_column_descriptions [list]

    counterpart_column_names [list]

    counterpart_column_states [list]

    main_column_centrics [list]

    main_column_desciptions [list]

    main_column_names [list]

    main_column_states [list]

    precedingacceptancetesting [string]

    precedingacceptancetestingaccepted [string]

    precedinganalysed [string]

    precedinganalysis [string]

    precedingclosed [string]

    precedingdefined [string]

    precedingdeveloped [string]

    precedingdevelopment [string]

    step<step_no>buffercentric [string]

    step<step_no>bufferdescription [string]

    step<step_no>buffername [string]

    step<step_no>bufferstate [string]

    step<step_no>counterpartcentric [string]

    step<step_no>counterpartdescription [string]

    step<step_no>counterpartname [string]

    step<step_no>counterpartstate [string]

    step<step_no>maincentric [string]

    step<step_no>maindescription [string]

    step<step_no>mainname [string]

    step<step_no>mainstate [string]

    steps [list]

    uncondensed_column_centrics [list]

    uncondensed_column_descriptions [list]

    uncondensed_column_names [list]

    uncondensed_column_states [list]


_id [internal]

displayname [string]

firstname [string]

fullname [string]

ip_address [string]

lastaccess [datetime]

lastname [string]

recent_cards [list]

session_id [string]

user_agent [string]

username [string]


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