
Kana no Shiai (Kana Game) / News: Recent posts

leafing through the dustbin

This project was never really finished to my satisfaction, and being that I wanted a positive representation of my work, I refrained from posting my code on this site. Looking through the old project I'm reminded of why I got swamped and eventually put it aside.

I've since grown a lot as a programmer, especially with regards to planning out large projects such as this one without getting bogged down in the details of each of the many components. I used to require that I roll-my-own source except where completely infeasible (i.e. not trying to rewrite any keyboard drivers here, but an overly complex event system ended up snaring me). I'm faced with the option of putting what I can up here in the chance that it might benefit someone else, or starting again but in a different context.... read more

Posted by Kevin Damm 2006-10-07