
Calliope Music Server and MP3 Jukebox / News: Recent posts

a brand new release, rc16

A long time in development, this release represents a host of new features, major architectural improvements, improved performance and stability. See the news page for details!

Posted by neil verplank 2007-03-11

New release, new features, less bugs!

Calliope: a jukebox music server, content- and music-management system, it is perl-based and GPL. Supports multiple users, soundcards, and streams (Icecast), data/id3 editing, smart loading, cd burning, and skins. Currently plays mp3, ogg and flac files.

See the Changelog for complete details, but calliope now supports CD burning, command line song play, and has way fewer bugs (and no new ones, of course ;-).... read more

Posted by neil verplank 2006-07-11

Major improvements across the board!

I've been remiss about keeping this news page up to date (though the home page news is generally current). So I thought I'd take a moment and say that since it's release on sourceforge, calliope has undergone massive upgrade and improvement. It's stable, performance is 3-5x better, new features have been added, and the architecture has been greatly improved. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I see beta in the near term, so keep your fingers crossed!... read more

Posted by neil verplank 2006-02-27

New release with installer

Primarily added an installer for linux-based systems. Loosely tested, but reasonably thorough, with an unistaller.

Copy the tarball to /usr/local/, and create a symlink:

tar -zxvf calliope1.0alpha-rc1.tar.gz
ln -s calliope1.0alpha-rc1 calliope
cd calliope/installer

And away you go!

Posted by neil verplank 2005-03-07