
lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

  • Patrick L. Lange

    Hi everyone,

    we are currently using lattice-mbr-decode to create a confusion network and are wondering whether lattice-mbr-decode itself considers the full lattice file or itself prunes out certain alternatives which are considered when using lattice-oracle.

    Furthermore, is there a way to easier way to get the word-level confidence scores for the oracle hypothesis than to somehow parse the sausage stats? Something like lattice-to-ctm-conf which only considers the best path?

    Lastly, I noticed a difference between the times produced by lattice-to-ctm-conf and lattice-mbr-decode. The times produces a non integer number of frames. Is this due to averaging the frame count over the considered alternatives?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    • Guoguo Chen

      Guoguo Chen - 2015-07-07

      On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Patrick Lange wrote:

      Hi everyone,

      we are currently using lattice-mbr-decode to create a confusion network
      and are wondering whether lattice-mbr-decode itself considers the full
      lattice file or itself prunes out certain alternatives which are considered
      when using lattice-oracle.

      Furthermore, is there a way to easier way to get the word-level confidence
      scores for the oracle hypothesis than to somehow parse the sausage stats?
      Something like lattice-to-ctm-conf which only considers the best path?

      I just committed a change for this. Please update your repository and try
      the new lattice-to-ctm-conf program. Let me know if it works or not.


      Lastly, I noticed a difference between the times produced by
      lattice-to-ctm-conf and lattice-mbr-decode. The times produces a non
      integer number of frames. Is this due to averaging the frame count over the
      considered alternatives?

      Any input would be greatly appreciated.


      lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

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      • Patrick L. Lange

        When I run the following commands:

        /try to save the oracle path in 0000000006590022-VC787776.oraclelat
        cat development_set.reference_transcription_kaldi_format | \ sed 's:<NOISE>::g' | \ scripts/ --ignore-first-field ./graph/words.txt | \ ~/halef-cassandra/kaldi-070615/src/latbin/lattice-oracle --write-lattices=ark,t:0000000006590022-VC787776.oraclelat --word-symbol-table=./graph/words.txt ark:./lats/ ark:- ark,t:tmp.txt

        ~/halef-cassandra/kaldi-070615/src/latbin/lattice-to-ctm-conf --acoustic-scale=0.1 --decode-mbr=false ark:./lats/ ark:0000000006590022-VC787776.oraclelat tmp.ctm

        I get an empty tmp.ctm file

        When I try to store the oracle path as binary ark:0000000006590022-VC787776.oraclelat
        I get:

        WARNING (lattice-to-ctm-conf:Read():util/kaldi-holder-inl.h:255) BasicVectorHolder::Read, could not interpret line: ▒▒~

        Furthermore, I have not been able to extract the oraclepath this way out of lattice aligned with lattice-align-word-lexicon

        Am I doing something wrong?


      • Patrick L. Lange

        I think that I am using a wrong format for <1best-rspecifier> in lattice-to-ctm-conf.

        • Guoguo Chen

          Guoguo Chen - 2015-07-08

          What you need to provide to lattice-to-ctm-conf is your tmp.txt, i.e.,
          the <transcriptions-wspecifier> from lattice-oracle.


          On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Patrick Lange wrote:

          I think that I am using a wrong format for <1best-rspecifier> in

          lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

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          • Patrick L. Lange

            This is a sample of my output. It looks like it is working as expected. Every word with a confidence of 1 in the best path is also showing up in the oracle with a confidence of 1. This is perfect. Thank you.

            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 0.48 1.00 9758 0.48
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 1.49 0.39 22646 0.93
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.05 0.10 20757 0.56
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.15 0.30 9145 0.49
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.44 0.34 20886 0.93
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.78 0.41 20743 1.00
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 3.26 0.44 21627 1.00
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 4.22 0.48 21574 0.85
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 4.80 0.32 21574 0.88

            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 1.06 0.67 22714 0.01
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 1.82 0.21 20757 0.56
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.12 0.25 9145 0.49
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.44 0.34 20886 0.93
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 2.78 0.41 20743 1.00
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 3.26 0.44 21627 1.00
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 4.21 0.48 21574 0.84
            0000000006590022-VC787776 1 4.79 0.32 21574 0.89


            Last edit: Patrick L. Lange 2015-07-08
  • Patrick L. Lange

    Sorry I wanted to create this in the help forum. Pleae move it because I think it does belong there.

    • Daniel Povey

      Daniel Povey - 2015-07-05

      It's OK, there is no real difference between help and discuss.

      we are currently using lattice-mbr-decode to create a confusion network and are wondering whether lattice-mbr-decode itself considers the full lattice file or itself prunes out certain alternatives which are considered when using lattice-oracle.

      lattice-mbr-decode does consider the full file, but very
      low-probability paths will make very little difference to the result.
      Also, some of the scripts that use lattice-mbr-decode may precede it
      with lattice-prune, in which case not all of the paths will be
      considered (but this will hardly affect the results).

      Furthermore, is there a way to easier way to get the word-level confidence scores for the oracle hypothesis than to somehow parse the sausage stats? Something like lattice-to-ctm-conf which only considers the best path?

      Vassil, do you have time to help with this? What he is asking for is
      possible but would require a little coding.
      In, there is a block that starts with this:
      // Now set R_ to one best in the FST.
      It would be possible to add a new constructor to the MinimumBayesRisk
      class with an FST argument representing the best path you want to
      compute confidences against. (note: you would usually want to set
      do_mbr_ to false to prevent updating R_, but this could be made
      optional for greater flexibility), and it would compute the
      integer-vector R_ as the word sequence in the provided FST argument
      using the function GetLinearSymbolSequence, instead of as the best
      path of the provided lattice. The program lattice-to-ctm-conf could
      be modified so it takes an optional second argument (i.e. a 3-argument
      usage) where it would take a vector of linear lattices
      (<1best-lattice-rspecifier>), and in that case it would use this other
      constructor. We should warn users that in the 3-argument form it will
      usually make sense to set --decode-mbr to false, otherwise it will
      simply use the provided 1-best as a starting point for optimization.

      Lastly, I noticed a difference between the times produced by lattice-to-ctm-conf and lattice-mbr-decode. The times produces a non integer number of frames. Is this due to averaging the frame count over the considered alternatives?

      yes, it is. It's explained in the paper,
      "Minimum Bayes Risk decoding and system combination based on a
      recursion for edit distance", Haihua Xu, Daniel Povey, Lidia Mangu and
      Jie Zhu, Computer Speech and Language, 2011.


      On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Patrick Lange wrote:

      Sorry I wanted to create this in the help forum. Pleae move it because I
      think it does belong there.

      lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

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      • Daniel Povey

        Daniel Povey - 2015-07-06

        Just a follow-up on this:
        I realized it doesn't make sense to have the input be a linear FST,
        more convenient to have it be a std::vector<int32>.

        On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Daniel Povey wrote:

        It's OK, there is no real difference between help and discuss.

        we are currently using lattice-mbr-decode to create a confusion network and
        are wondering whether lattice-mbr-decode itself considers the full lattice
        file or itself prunes out certain alternatives which are considered when
        using lattice-oracle.

        lattice-mbr-decode does consider the full file, but very
        low-probability paths will make very little difference to the result.
        Also, some of the scripts that use lattice-mbr-decode may precede it
        with lattice-prune, in which case not all of the paths will be
        considered (but this will hardly affect the results).

        Furthermore, is there a way to easier way to get the word-level confidence
        scores for the oracle hypothesis than to somehow parse the sausage stats?
        Something like lattice-to-ctm-conf which only considers the best path?

        Vassil, do you have time to help with this? What he is asking for is
        possible but would require a little coding.
        In, there is a block that starts with this:
        // Now set R_ to one best in the FST.
        It would be possible to add a new constructor to the MinimumBayesRisk
        class with an FST argument representing the best path you want to
        compute confidences against. (note: you would usually want to set
        do_mbr_ to false to prevent updating R_, but this could be made
        optional for greater flexibility), and it would compute the
        integer-vector R_ as the word sequence in the provided FST argument
        using the function GetLinearSymbolSequence, instead of as the best
        path of the provided lattice. The program lattice-to-ctm-conf could
        be modified so it takes an optional second argument (i.e. a 3-argument
        usage) where it would take a vector of linear lattices
        (<1best-lattice-rspecifier>), and in that case it would use this other
        constructor. We should warn users that in the 3-argument form it will
        usually make sense to set --decode-mbr to false, otherwise it will
        simply use the provided 1-best as a starting point for optimization.

        Lastly, I noticed a difference between the times produced by
        lattice-to-ctm-conf and lattice-mbr-decode. The times produces a non integer
        number of frames. Is this due to averaging the frame count over the
        considered alternatives?

        yes, it is. It's explained in the paper,
        "Minimum Bayes Risk decoding and system combination based on a
        recursion for edit distance", Haihua Xu, Daniel Povey, Lidia Mangu and
        Jie Zhu, Computer Speech and Language, 2011.


        On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Patrick Lange wrote:

        Sorry I wanted to create this in the help forum. Pleae move it because I
        think it does belong there.

        lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

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        lattice-mbr-decode sausage stats

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  • Patrick L. Lange

    Thank you very much for the information.