
Kahakai Window Manager / News: Recent posts

Kahakai 0.2 Released

Improvements over Kahakai 0.1 include configurable window snapping, merged windows (like tabs), viewport edge support, total elimination of old-style actions, preliminary Ruby support, autostart shell script, centering of transient windows, a new default style, and many smaller features, bug fixes, and cleanups.

Posted by Nick Welch 2003-06-23

Clean ups

Lots of clean ups have been made, getting rid of unneeded stuff and whatnot, Kahakai should now successfully compile on any system with the required development software (gcc 3, swig 1.3) installed.

Posted by Nick Welch 2003-05-31

Open For Business!

The Kahakai window manager is a fork of Waimea ( We plan on implementing SWIG ( to provide an interface to Kahakai's internals, accessable via almost any scripting language. The first step is to get a basic swig-enabled wm that successfully builds. We are doing this with Waimea CVS, plus patches created by various members of the Waimea community ( Pervago is currently working on this and once completed, the tree will be moved into CVS. A website with more details should be up soon, but for now, if you are interested in helping out, or just have some questions, feel free to stop by #kahakai on

Posted by Nick Welch 2003-05-27