
Kaboodle LAN-management software / News: Recent posts

Kaboodle 1.0 release

The Kaboodle team has (finally) released version 1.0 of the open source LAN command-console for Windows. Kaboodle 1.0 is a major redesign and bugfix release, greatly improving usability over previous versions.

Source and binaries are available here:

Major improvements:
o Completely redesigned GUI: topology, menus, buttons, icons, the works
o Added a text-message bar status info, rather than repeated popups
o Improved the "KaboodleProxy" relay-server interface to initiate LAN-to-LAN connections without port-forwarding
o Improved initial LAN discovery time
o Added a print capability to obtain hardcopies of your network population
o Added a save/restore capability to preserve your network setup... read more

Posted by Scott Best 2005-04-22

Version 0.99c released!

Version 0.99c of Kaboodle, last of the pre-release versions, is now available for download. This version is fully compatible with the KaboodleProxy service, and fixes some bugs with VNC auto-starting and tunneling as well.

Posted by Scott Best 2004-02-21

Version 0.99b released!

Kaboodle version 0.99b is available for download!

More details at

Posted by Scott Best 2003-11-29

Sourceforge page initiated!

Quite a momentus occasion. :) Email lists started, project description updates, first news article. Work, work, work...

Posted by Scott Best 2001-10-23