
Kabikaboo - Recursive Writing Assistant / News: Recent posts

Kabikaboo 1.1 Complete

A new feature has been added to Kabikaboo:

Tabbed Notebook of recently viewed nodes!

This makes editing a very large and deep tree easier. You can more easily jump between related nodes, even if they are of varying ancestry. To top it off, Kabikaboo can save and remember the tabs you opened.

Posted by Dave Kerr 2009-06-04

Kabikaboo 1.0 Complete

--- Kabikaboo - Recursive Writing Assistant ---

Kabikaboo is a simple tree-branch note organizer. It is meant to be used to help aid in the writing of a novel. Users can plan out their story, plot, and characters.

Created with Python, PyGTK, Geany, and Glade, on Ubuntu Linux.

You can see an overview of all the children or grandchildren of any given node in the tree, for reference.
Each text node can have any arrangement of children, and the nodes can be moved around freely.... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2009-03-10

Kabikaboo Goes Beta (Version 0.8)

Kabikaboo Novel Writing Assistant

Fully functional beta is now available. Testers wanted! Currently only testing on Linux.

Posted by Dave Kerr 2009-03-04

Kabikaboo 0.5 Complete

Kabikaboo Novel Writing Assistant

This alpha version is a major milestone in Kabikaboo's lifespan. With this version, users can do all of the major tasks needed to be productive with Kabikaboo.

Users can add, edit, remove nodes from their novel tree. They can save a text block associated with each node.

Users can also save and load .kaboo files.

Many miscellaneous features remain to be added, but for the adventurous/tech-savvy, Kabikaboo can now be used on Linux. Any feedback, help, or donations are welcome!... read more

Posted by Dave Kerr 2009-02-24

Kabikaboo Design Documents Available

Kabikaboo Novel Writing Assistance development documents are now available.

Version 1.0 is planned to be released for Linux/Ubuntu.

"This is a simple project to start. Any help would be appreciated, even in the form of advice. I am new to Python and GTK and Linux application development in general. Currently I am having problems with Glade3 not saving/loading my GUI outlines correctly." - Dave Kerr

Posted by Dave Kerr 2009-02-01