
Current State


This project is an attempt at resurrection K9copy before it is a dead project. Please feel free to pitch in. For the [Current State] please refer to that page.

For all Bugs please report them on Launchpad at

Known Issues:

LibAV/FFMPEG needs code needs to be finished, anyone willing to work on this please do.

Certain players do not work (or if they do not 100% correctly), presumably due to LibAV/FFMPEG code not being correct.

DVDAuthor frontend, yet again due to (at least I think so) LibAV/FFMPEG code.

Qt5/KF5 port is known to be broken... but focus is currently elsewhere (Status: ON HOLD. Reason: Trying to fix LibAV/FFMPEG code to work correctly before attempting a new port of the code.)

Currently believed to work correctly:

Backup of DVDs: with or without menus.

As of 3.0.3 the internal DVD libraries have been updated to use a patched 5.0.1 release of LibDVDRead and the corresponding LibDVDNav.


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