
JXunit and multiple test

  • Chomat Guillaume

    I would execute in the same test.jxu many test

    <eval stepClass="fr.fluxmedia.transmorpher.Graph.test.TestTransmorpher"/>
        <isEqual name="idOut" value="0" message="id was not 0"/>
        <isEqual name="nameOut" value="titi" message="name was not titi"/>
            <set name="id" value="1"/>

        <eval stepClass="fr.fluxmedia.transmorpher.Graph.test.TestTransmorpher"/>
        <isEqual name="idOut" value="1" message="id was not 1"/>
        <set name="id" value="-1"/>
        <eval stepClass="fr.fluxmedia.transmorpher.Graph.test.TestTransmorpher"/>
        <isEqual name="idOut" value="-1" message="id was not -1"/>


    my problem is that when a stepClass failed all other don't be evaluated.

    i would like to execute all eval tag even one is failled.

    I use ant for run my testCase by the follow way:

        <set name="id" value="0"/>
        <set name="name" value="titi"/>    
        <target name="test" depends="jar">
        <echo message="Testing..."/>
         <junit fork="yes" haltonfailure="on" printsummary="withOutAndErr">
              <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
               <fileset dir="lib">
                 <include name="*.jar"/>
               <pathelement location="classes"/>
           <formatter type="plain"/>

           <test name="net.sourceforge.jxunit.JXTestCase" outfile="result"/>

    thank you for your help

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-05-22

      i'm confronted with the same problem, so i want to ask if you could solve the problem?!

      another questions is, if there anymore jxunit samples and maybe a bit more "realistic" than the delivered ones !?

      hope help will be around :-)

      thx, gabi

    • Bill la Forge

      Bill la Forge - 2002-05-22

      Why not use ifEqual instead of isEqual?

      Sorry for not responding to this eariler.



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