
Problems with JXUnit 3.1.3

  • Michael Schaefer


    Just passing along some problems I've spotted.

    1. All the files in the ZIP file have "../" prepended to their path. This means that wherever you unzip this, it unzips to the parent directory. Not good.

    2. I've followed the directions in the JXUnit Primer #1 and I cannot for the life of me get jxtest.bat to run. I get the following error:

    Class not found "net.sourceforge.jxunit.JXTestCase"

    I've verified that <JXUNIT_HOME>/LIBs/jxunit3.jar is in the classpath. I've tried every possible trick in the book that I can come up with and it looks like the classpath is right but that TestRunner can't find the test class in the jar file or something. Frustrating. Don't know what to try from here. Any tips would be appreciated. Sure would be nice if this stuff worked out of the box.

    I'll spend a couple more hours editing the batch files and fixing problems and then I'm giving up.


    • Ervin Varga

      Ervin Varga - 2004-07-15

      Hello Michael,

      I can assure you that the instructions for installing and configuring the JXUnit framework, as shown in the Primer #1, are accurate. Have you carefully follow the guidelines depicted in the section called Configuration? Have you edited the file named 'quickSetup.bat' as written there? Have you started it before trying to invoke the 'jxtest.bat' file?

      Otherwise, I agree that the JXUnit framework should be made even more user friendly in the future (for example, having an ANT based build system).


      • Michael Schaefer

        Ok, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I started over, deleted everything I had before and followed the directions explicitly line by line. I performed the following steps:

        1. Unzip to C:\JXUnit
        2. Edited quickSetup.bat and set QuickJARs=c:\JXUnit\JARs
        3. Changed directory to C:\JXUnit\src\net\sourceforge\jxunit\testfail
        4. Ran quickSetup.bat
        5. Ran jxtest.bat

        Result: Class not found "net.sourceforge.jxunit.JXTestCase"

        JDK 1.4.2_03
        OS Windows 2000 Professional 5.00.2195 Service Pack 4
        System Classpath=



    • Thomas.P.Varghese

      I tried the same way as you tried and it worked fine.

      The Class not found exception i encountered was only when i uzipped the files in to desktop.
      The QuickJars were pointing to C:\Documents and Settings\thomas.varghese.BCONE-INDIA\Desktop\JXUnit3.1.3\JARs

      Java may not handle the long pathnames -- with the ~ or space  in them -- very well.
      I always work from a path with no long pathnames...

      So i did a java -cp %classpath%;"%QuickJARs%\jxunit3.jar";"%QuickJARs%\Quick4rt.jar";"%QuickJARs%\Quick4util.jar";"%QuickJARs%\junit.jar";"%QuickJARs%\crimson.jar";"%QuickJARs%\jaxp.jar";"%QuickJARs%\jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar" junit.textui.TestRunner net.sourceforge.jxunit.JXTestCase
      Putting "" around the Jars made it recognized the classpath. Weird!

      I may be not sure wherether this will be of any help, but some wild hints :-)



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