
jxml2sql / News: Recent posts

libjxml2sql v0.3.0 Release

Version 0.3.0 of libjxml2sql has been released. This rings in a new development cycle. It WILL work with jxml2sql 0.2.0. A fix for multi-line comments has been added, as well as timestamping of SQL output.

Posted by Adam VanderHook 2001-05-24

jxml2sql v0.1.0-pre2 Released

This (hopefully) marks the end of the 0.1.0 development branch of jxml2sql. If there are no serious problems reported in the following week then all of these will be re-released as 0.2.0 and work on the new development branch 0.3.0 will begin.

Posted by Adam VanderHook 2001-02-04

New release of jxml2sql soon

Yes, I'm still alive and working on jxml2sql. I got a good deal of work done in Canada, just haven't had the time to finish up everything needed for the next release.

Slight versioning change, nothing major. jxml2sql will now follow a versioning scheme similar to that of the Linux kernel. Therefore, once 0.1.0 becomes stable then it will be released as 0.2.0.

The next version of jxml2sql is going to be 0.1.0-final. A couple features have been added, such as program and library versioning support. Updated the API docs a bit and there has been a change in libjxml2sql -- net.sourceforge.jxml2sql.Output.Output interface has been deprecated. It is now handled via an abstract method in Output.class. Just to give you all a heads up.

Posted by Adam VanderHook 2001-01-28

jxml2sql v0.1.0-pre1 Released

jxml2sql, along with libjxml2sql, has its first release. Please be sure to read all documentation, and be sure to submit bugs and suggestions.

Posted by Adam VanderHook 2000-11-21