
jWrestling / News: Recent posts

jWrestling: Change of direction

Due to my current involvement with SynamicD (, jWrestling will be refocused to my second option, more of a D20 RPG game instead of cards. I had the decision to make bewtween WA! remake and D20 RPG game anyways, this just made my decision easier!

Posted by Anonymous 2012-12-28

We're still here!

I know it seems like the project has suddenly stopped but that's not the case. We got to a point were the Swing client just wasn't working any more so we are moving to a RCP application with Netbeans platform. There's a lot of work already done but it starts from the Simple-Marauroa side. Soon it'll be propagated to jWrestling as well.

Posted by Anonymous 2011-02-17

jWrestling 0.08 finally released!

After failures in 0.06 and 0.07 jWrestling team is proud to announce the release of jWrestling 0.08!

The good news: After Marauroa upgrade the game was rendered useless. After some major work the game is back up and running!

The bad: Due to all the changes this feature has the same content as 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07 game-wise and page-wise.

This stable release will be the baseline for game enhancements in our road to Beta release!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-09-28

jWrestling 0.05 finally released!

0.05 source,not much new but it works :P. Next release focus is page creation!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-05-03

Role Playing + Wrestling?

Take a look at the work in progress plan to incorporate this in our game!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-17

jWrestling 0.04 finally released!

This release is a minor fix to make the client work outside of Netbeans. Sorry!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-09

jWrestling 0.03 finally released!

It has the Page viewer, Interactive Referees and Specials of the Wrestlers working (La Pantera is still partially working).

This is the end of this coding spree. Enjoy and leave feedback!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-03

Simple-Marauroa Release 0.01.01!

Had to revert some changes but 0.01.01 is working properly. Sorry

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-03

Simple-Marauroa Release 0.01.00!

With the release of jWrestling I forgot to release the latest version of the Simple-Marauroa packages. not many changes from their predecessors anyways.


Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-02

Check the updated wiki!

The wiki is now full with info. From installing the server to your first match.

It even has screens of work in process like the page viewer!

Take a look!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-01

jWrestling 0.02 finally released!

With this release I move the project to Alpha stage! I was able to have a match (I won of course) so the bare basics are there. Don't expect graphics and cool music, yet. Now I switch the focus to the UI, adding more pages and giving it the finishing touches.

The ui will have a major overhaul as I switch it to Netbeans RCP. This should happen by Beta release.

Posted by Anonymous 2010-04-01

jWrestling 0.01 finally released!

Still not 100% playable but I would like to share it with the community for feedback. I'm working with some minor issues to make the game playable but the chat part is 100% working!

Also if you are willing to host the server let me know!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-03-07

SMS and SMC 0.05 Released!

Fixed a bug that created a copy of an entity when changing zones.

Also the JPA connection is 100% configurable from ini file!

Posted by Anonymous 2010-01-06

SMS & SMC 0.04 Released!

  1. Removed Dreamer.jar dependencies.
  2. Upgraded ant targets to create the release package automatically.

This should be the final version to release jWrestling.

Everything is based on Marauroa 2.6.3. Further changes will be to upgrade Marauroa to 3.x

Posted by Anonymous 2009-08-08

SMS & SMC 0.03 released!

Simple-Marauroa-Server and Simple-Marauroa-Client are released!

Lot of stuff changed, mostly behind the scenes, but this is the most stable of the simple series yet. The ant targets are greatly improved including the source release. The marauroad bat file is generated automatically so there's no need to add/remove jars from it!

Now I can focus on jWrestling first release...

Posted by Anonymous 2009-07-04

jWrestling is almost there!

jWrestling just needs to complete the in-match work flow, which is already started, for the first release. Everything is finally taking shape. First release should have a couple of pages, the ones available right now, for playability. After that updates will include new pages and GUI related improvements.

  1. The work flow up to the match start is 100% complete!
  2. Moved draw and refresh phase logic from Match class to the client introducing some new MatchEvent messages. (up and working)
  3. MatchEvent now sends the turn number so the clients can be updated since Marauroa turns are not the same than the match.
  4. Fixed a bug in jWrestlingRPZone that confused the rooms with password and description.
  5. Fixed a bug in Player that added repeated decks to the player file.
  6. Implemented the new work flow logic in which the Match requests the player to select a deck when the room is created.
  7. Disabled room password for now. Not necessary for first release.
  8. SoundMaster is on its own thread.
  9. Lot of work on MatchFrame. More to come. 10. Updated jars with released Marauroa code 2.6.1 merged
Posted by Anonymous 2009-04-05

Simple-Marauroa Relese 0.02!

The newest release is out there getting ready for the first release of jWrestling!

This release includes an important fix in which the charater_stat database table was not created plus some minor fixes to work with jWrestling.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-03-22

Simple-Marauroa Relese 0.02!

The newest release is out there getting ready for the first release of jWrestling!

This release includes an important fix in which the charater_stat database table was not created plus some minor fixes to work with jWrestling.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-03-22

Simple Marauroa Server and Client first release!

The first project release!

This is in preparation for jWrestling alpha release!

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-13


jWrestling is in Ohloh! (

My profile there has all the updates so check there for more frequent updates. (

From now on News in sourceforge are for release, bug fixes and such notifications. The rest will be handled in Ohloh.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-07

Lot of stuff...

  1. Developer's learning trail is up and running in the wiki page.

  2. Simple-Server has it's own branch in subversion

  3. Simple-Server makes Marauroa work on any DB supported by Hibernate!
  4. Added Dreamer project to it's own branch in repository (handles the Persistence)
  5. Rebuilding jWrestling based on Simple-Server which it's turning to be pretty easy.
Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-12

100 Commits!

Wow, today I commited for the 100th time. Finally the chat is back, up and running after translating the chat to an RPEvent. SUbmmited the patch to Stendhal team.

Next is testing adding/removing rooms. When that's done is time to work on the match engine! (just update it to work with Marauroa, so we'll have an alpha soon!)

does dreamin' dance

Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-25

Wiki content & updates

The wiki now has some meaningful content: Features, developer tools, etc.

Today I added smiley support for the chat screen. Not 100% pretty but the functionality is there.

Already was able to populate the room list from server.

Working on creating rooms and such.

On the match side I'm still refactoring the client but is coming great.

After I'm done with the chat I'll have enough tools to complete the single match.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-08

jWrestling server is up!

Due to the changes in the game server and the new things and techniques I've learned since I started coding (2003) I decided to recreate the GUI from scratch.

Don't get scared, this is just the 'face' of the game, all the 5 years of work are not lost, they're there in the background.

So what does jWrestling do right now?

Here's a not-so-impressive list:

  1. Server starts successfully working with Marauroa 2.5.... read more
Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-05


After a frustrating rejection of the Hibernate Marauroa patch I've spent some time undoing those changes. Finally they are undone and a plain jWrestling server with Marauroa is up and running.

I'm working in the client side to set up the chat, rooms, etc part of the game. So hopefully we'll have at least some chatting space!

I need some feedback from the guys at Arianne so I'll start the game's wiki meanwhile.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-07-26