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File Date Author Commit
 .idea 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit
 branches 2013-01-20 allura [r1] Initial commit
 jwhois_backend 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit
 jwhois_frontend 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit
 tags 2013-01-20 allura [r1] Initial commit
 trunk 2013-01-20 allura [r1] Initial commit
 README.txt 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit
 jwhois.iml 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit
 pom.xml 2013-01-20 dotii_com [r2] Initial commit

Read Me

JWhois - Whois in Java / Geo ip database in Java / Online Geo ip service

--- Fast track ----------------------------
--- Fast track ----------------------------
If you don't want do download all the database's from the 6 different ftp-server's. But just want to run - like now!
Download and unzip in /tmp/geoIp.db
Call your JWhois.lookup("") from your Java-code;
--- Fast track ----------------------------
--- Fast track ----------------------------

--- The rest of the README file ---

You can chose how you want JWhois (the Geo ip service) to run:
(A) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running in your JVM
(B) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running on your server, like
(C) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running at

(D) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database that returns all text-data like the whois command, but only for RIPE's IPs

How to run "(A) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running in your JVM"
1) Download the project from                                     
2) Run ./                                                                                  
3) Set in runLocal=true                                                         
4) Call from Java: JWhois.lookup(String nameOrIPv4)                                                     

How to run "(B) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running on your server, like"
1) Download the project from                                         
2) Run ./                                                                                      
3) Setup the war-file on you local Tomcat                                                                     
4) In the clients that call this, setup the URL in so it points to your local server 
5) Call from Java: JWhois.lookup(String nameOrIPv4)                                                          

How to run "(C) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database is running at"
1) Download the project from                                                       
2) In the clients that call this, setup the URL in so it points to  
3) Call from Java: JWhois.lookup(String nameOrIPv4)                                                                                  

How to run "(D) Inline in Java, where the whois-in-memory-database that returns all text-data like the whois command, but only for RIPE's IPs"
1) Download the project from                                     
2) Run ./                                                                                  
3) Run ./
4) Set in runLocal=true                                                         
5) RipeIpService.getInstance().lookup("")