
Debugging information

  • Excalibur

    Excalibur - 2012-09-25

    ml /Zi /Zd /nologo /c /Cp /coff loader.asm
    jwasm /Zi /Zd /nologo /c /Cp /coff loader.asm
    link /DEBUG /DEBUGTYPE:CV /nologo /subsystem:console loader.obj
    jwlink OPTION quiet,cvpack FORMAT window pe RUNTIME console DEBUG codeview FILE loader.obj

    ml+link:"CPU" and "Source files" windows work fine
    push offset loader.uszBuf
    call loader.argv

    jwasm+link:"CPU" windows work fine. No source file.
    push offset loader.uszBuf
    call loader.argv

    warning : invalid header dectected in types.
    warning : invalied signature detected in symbol table
    Internal Error : encounter undefined symbol in sstSymbol.

    jwasm+jwlink:inclomplete, "Source files" window is empty
    push offset loader.00403018
    call loader.__argv@12

    ml/jwasm+jwlink(w/o cvpack):no debugging information
    push offset loader.00403018
    call loader.004010DB

    masm/link from vs2008
    ollydbg v2.01
    jwasm v2.9rp 09/20/2012
    jwlink v19b8
    wininc v2.04a

  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-10-30

    Sorry for the late reply!

    I got different results:

    masm 6.15 + ms link: source files ok
    masm 8.00 + ms link: source files empty
    jwasm 2.08a + ms link: source files ok
    jwasm 2.09pre + ms link: source files ok

    I didn't test jwlink because I don't expect ollydbg to understand the debug info written by jwlink.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-10-30

    I noticed that in the previous post I used MS link from VC2003Toolkit ( v7.10.3077)
    With MS link from VS2008 ( v9.00.30729.01) all 4 combinations are ok.


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