Hello.<br> I compiled this code.<br> % jwasm200 -q -elf helloelf.asm<br> <br> ; helloelf.asm<br> .386<br> .model flat<br>
_TEXT16 segment WORD use16 public 'CODE'<br> _start:<br> mov dx, offset message<br> mov ah,09h<br> int 21h<br> mov ax,4c00h<br> int 21h<br> _TEXT16 ends
_DATA16 segment WORD use16 public 'DATA'<br> message byte 'Hello, world !!', 0dh, 0ah, '$'<br> _DATA16 ends<br> end _start<br> <br> <br> and linked with object file. So, DOS .com file was made.<br> % ld -T com.lds helloelf.o -o helloelf.com<br> <br> /* com.lds (linker script) */<br> OUTPUT_FORMAT("binary");<br> COM_BASE = 0x0100;<br>
SECTIONS {<br> . = COM_BASE;<br> .text : { *(.text) }<br> .rodata : { *(.rodata) }<br> .rdata : { *(.rdata) }<br> .data : { *(.data) }<br> .bss : { *(.bss) }<br> .stack : { *(.stack) }<br> }<br> <br> <br> DOS> helloelf.com<br> Hello, world !!
.386 .model flat _TEXT16 segment WORD use16 public 'CODE' _start: mov dx, offset message mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,4c00h int 21h _TEXT16 ends
_DATA16 segment WORD use16 public 'DATA' message byte 'Hello, world !!', 0dh, 0ah, '$' _DATA16 ends end _start
jwasm200 -q -elf helloelf.asm
ld -T com.lds helloelf.o -o helloelf.com
OUTPUTFORMAT("binary"); COM_BASE = 0x0100; SECTIONS { . = COM_BASE; .text : { *(.text) } .rodata : { *(.rodata) } .rdata : { *(.rdata) } .data : { *(.data) } .bss : { *(.bss) } .stack : { *(.stack) } }
I tried to make the itoto's post look nicer, but the new "formatting" feature apparently is too smart for me. I gave up.
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I compiled this code.<br>
% jwasm200 -q -elf helloelf.asm<br>
; helloelf.asm<br>
.model flat<br>
_TEXT16 segment WORD use16 public 'CODE'<br>
mov dx, offset message<br>
mov ah,09h<br>
int 21h<br>
mov ax,4c00h<br>
int 21h<br>
_TEXT16 ends
_DATA16 segment WORD use16 public 'DATA'<br>
message byte 'Hello, world !!', 0dh, 0ah, '$'<br>
_DATA16 ends<br>
end _start<br>
and linked with object file. So, DOS .com file was made.<br>
% ld -T com.lds helloelf.o -o helloelf.com<br>
/* com.lds (linker script) */<br>
COM_BASE = 0x0100;<br>
. = COM_BASE;<br>
.text : { *(.text) }<br>
.rodata : { *(.rodata) }<br>
.rdata : { *(.rdata) }<br>
.data : { *(.data) }<br>
.bss : { *(.bss) }<br>
.stack : { *(.stack) }<br>
DOS> helloelf.com<br>
Hello, world !!
.model flat
_TEXT16 segment WORD use16 public 'CODE'
mov dx, offset message
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
_TEXT16 ends
_DATA16 segment WORD use16 public 'DATA'
message byte 'Hello, world !!', 0dh, 0ah, '$'
_DATA16 ends
end _start
jwasm200 -q -elf helloelf.asm
ld -T com.lds helloelf.o -o helloelf.com
COM_BASE = 0x0100;
.text : { *(.text) }
.rodata : { *(.rodata) }
.rdata : { *(.rdata) }
.data : { *(.data) }
.bss : { *(.bss) }
.stack : { *(.stack) }
I tried to make the itoto's post look nicer, but the new "formatting" feature apparently is too smart for me. I gave up.