
Starting out with JWasm/JWlink/WinInc

  • cinolt

    cinolt - 2012-07-29

    Hi, I'm new to JWasm/JWlink/WinInc and assembly in general. My platform is x86-64 Windows 7. I've installed the latest versions each of the 3 packages by simply extracting them in the C:\ directory, each in their respective directories, and adding entries to the PATH environment variable to make the binaries accessible in cmd.exe. What I've then done is downloaded and installed a recent Windows 7 Platform SDK and copied the folder named "Lib" (for me it was located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0a\Lib), which I believe contains the import libraries (.lib) for WinAPI, into the WinInc202 folder, as the README.TXT in the WinInc package convinced me it was appropriate.

    Then I tried to compile and link the sample program included with JWasm entitled "Win64_1.asm". I opened cmd.exe and changed the current directory to the one with the sample program. As the comments in the source suggested, I ran "JWasm -win64 Win64_1.asm" with apparently no problems. But when I go to link it with JWlink with this command "jwlink format win pe ru win file Win64_1.obj op start=main" I get this error output:

    JWlink Version 1.9
    Portions Copyright (c) 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
    loading object files
    searching libraries
    Error! E2028: MessageBoxA is an undefined reference
    Error! E2028: ExitProcess is an undefined reference
    creating a 64-bit PE executable
    file Win64_1.obj(Win64_1.asm): undefined symbol MessageBoxA
    file Win64_1.obj(Win64_1.asm): undefined symbol ExitProcess

    I tried changing the two includelib lines in the source code to include the full path of the import libraries I copied into the WinInc directory, with no success. I also tried various command-line options to no avail.

    I would greatly appreciate if someone could inform me as to what I am doing wrong. Thanks for any help.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-07-29

    You most likely are using 32-bit import libraries to link a 64-bit binary ( the directory name C:\Program Files (x86)\Micr… backups this assumption ) . This "doesn't work", because the calling convention has changed. You'll have to find and use the 64-bit libs.

  • cinolt

    cinolt - 2012-07-29

    Thanks japheth, I downloaded and installed another (more recent?) Windows 7 Platform SDK with the "Libs" directory now containing a directory "x64" for x64 import libraries, and linking to these import libraries worked fine.


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