
JWASM and MASM32 headers compatiblity?

  • Andre Tampubolon

    Here's a code taken from the MASM32 forum:

    .model flat,stdcall

    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\

    includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib

    s db "Test",0

    lea eax,s
    push eax
    call StdOut
    end start

    This is the command I used:
    jwasm -IC:\masm32\include -c -coff code.asm

    JWASM 1.95 failed to assemble it:
    \masm32\include\ Error! E167: Symbol is already defined: RUN_SYN
    \masm32\include\ Included by
      astro.asm(5): Main line code
    astro.asm: 19 lines, 1 passes, 71 ms, 0 warnings, 1 errors

    Works perfectly on ML v6.14, though.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > Works perfectly on ML v6.14, though.

      Might be interesting what arguments you used with Masm. Perhaps you used -Cx or -Cp? Because the symbol mentioned in the error message is defined twice in Masm32, first as a structure (RUN_SYNCH_PROCESS_EX ), and second as a prototype (run_synch_process_ex). Since your sample doesn't include a "OPTION CASEMAP:NONE" line, Masm and JWasm will convert all symbols to upper case if neither -Cx nor -Cp is given.


    • Andre Tampubolon

      This is the argument I used in MASM32:
      ml.exe /I C:\masm32\include /c /coff /Cp code.asm

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      So you'll have to give JWasm the /Cp as well.


      • Andre Tampubolon

        Yes, using -cp, the code compiled well.
        Thanks for the hint.


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