
mov al,struc1.dw.struc2.db

  • Hjort Nidudsson

    Hjort Nidudsson - 2012-09-26

    Version 2.06e works.
    v2.07 - 09: Error A2063: Symbol not defined : b.a

    .model small
    a struc
    b1 db ?
    b2 db ?
    a ends
    b struc
    w1 dw ?
    w2 dw ?
    b ends
    s d <0,1>
    start:  mov ax,seg _DATA
        mov ds,ax
        mov     al,s.w2.a.b1
        dec al
        mov     ah,4Ch
        int     21h
        end start
  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-09-27

    both Masm and JWasm complain:

    X1.ASM(13) : error A2008: syntax error : s

    because they don't know what to do with 's d <0,1>'

  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-09-27

    This variant still works:

    mov al, (a ptr s.w2).b1

  • Hjort Nidudsson

    Hjort Nidudsson - 2012-09-27

    try s b <0,1>

  • japheth

    japheth - 2012-09-28

    Fixed in v2.09

    Perhaps it would be possible to post such bugs in the bug tracker?


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