
What’s the max receive package length of jwap

  • Action

    Action - 2007-04-25

    I tried to receive mms file from the wap gateway using jwap, the package length is 25k, and every time the jwap program miss 71Byte of the mms contend(jpeg file),the mms file is sent by mobile phone(if I sent it using my program, it will be the same result),and the same mms file sending process(the same mms file and the same mobile phone) can be successfully received by both other mobile phones and NowSMS using the same GPRS Modem that is used in the jwap test mentioned above.
    I have compared the two files ,the original jpeg file and the received jpeg file, the start and the end is the same, there are several mistakes in the middle.
    I have tried both jwap1.1 and jwap1.2 jar files, the results are the same.
    Anyone has some ideas about that?

  • Carlos Izquierdo

    Anybody help us! I got this problem too!


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