
jVSTwRapper v0.8 released

the new version features many bug fixes and - most important - a full integration into the native plugin window. Theres now absolutely no difference between a native and a java GUI.

Please NOTE that the Contructor of a jvst plugin now
has a parameter. simply pass this parameter to the super class (by calling super(arg)) and youre all set.

*** Take a look at the updated Screenshot section ***

*** Also, the VST Plugins package has been disabled. The latest version of the demo plugins come with the wrapper download itself ***

Special thanks for the new features go to Daniel Reinert, who volunteered as a new developer
and did the work for the new version all by himself.

Great job, buddy!

jVSTwRapper - the Java way into VST World

Posted by daniel309 2006-01-19

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