
#201 Options window is broken


Hi. This is a funky one but bear with me please.

On Apache NetBeans 16 / linux with jVi 2.0.13 the options window is broken. Currently I only see flying characters (which seem to scroll up in very high speeds), and makes configuring any options impossible. If somehow it does not trigger, try resizing the options window.

Other options windows such as general, editor etc. work as expected.

Can you confirm the issue?


  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2023-02-16

    This sounds vaguely familiar. Don't remember what the issue is, JDK, MAC, or what.

    Could you try resizing the options window, for example make it very big?

    I can't reproduce it.
    I don't see another bug report about it.

  • Iwontgive youmyname

    Thanks for looking into this!

    I'm attaching a small capture of the desktop demonstrating the problem (attachment desktop.mp4), taken using VLC at 5 fps.

    A few more details:
    Tested on two machines, both running debian testing.

    first machine:
    java -version
    openjdk version "11.0.18" 2023-01-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.18+10-post-Debian-1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.18+10-post-Debian-1, mixed mode, sharing)

    second machine:
    java -version
    openjdk version "17.0.6" 2023-01-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.6+10-Debian-1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.6+10-Debian-1, mixed mode, sharing)

    NetBeans installation: grab the platform independent version (.zip) from here:

    I'm willing to co-operate on this one, so if you have any ideas , suggestions, requests for more info let me know! It's.. funky.


  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2023-02-17

    Did you try resizing the window?

    2 machines, that's weird. I can't reproduce it.

    Did it ever work?

    Did you import settings?

    A clean install of both NetBeans and jVi , without importing settings, is something to try.

  • Iwontgive youmyname

    First machine is a battered development machine, with various netbeans installs (and configs) over the years. The second one though was a brand new installation, just to test it out.

    I did try resizing the window (also in the attached movie above) and it has no effect.

    Did it ever work?

    It did work on another machine, which is probably running an older version of netbeans. I had no time to check that out.

    Did you import settings?

    No (not consciously at least). One is a fresh install.

    What is your preferred installation method for netbeans and jVi? I can try it out and see if it works for me.

    Does the options menu rely on a specific gui library? Maybe some version mismatch is causing this.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2023-02-17

    I'm on recent linux release (popOS). I download the zip; don't use an installer. I'm running 16; I've run all versions, plus build my own on occation. During testing, I install jVi in a variety of ways. Starting up NetBeans with a clean userdir/cachedir using the --userdir/--cachedir options, install the update center, then install jVi is one of the things I do.

    Did you look into the NetBeans messages.log, maybe there's some exception.

    $ env|grep -i xdg

  • Iwontgive youmyname


    Nothing egregious there.


    Used that, did not change anything.

    However, I found the culprit: Look and Feel. FlatLaf Light, FlatLaf Dark and GTK+ all exhibit the same problem. In contrast, Metal Nimbus, CDE/Motif and their dark variations are ok. So, temporarily switching Look and Feel to one of them in order to make changes is a workaround, at least.

    I do not know what gtk and flatlaf are doing differently, but you might want to take a closer look at them.

    I am using HiDPI screens in all setups.

    $ env | grep XDG

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2023-02-18

    Thanks for isolating the issue. I'm on gtk, I've tested with those LAFs, 1920x1080. Seems it must be HiDPI

    I won't have much time for a few days. I'd like to file a NB issue. Would you get get a stack trace while it's going crazy, so I can include it? Might help narrow it down. Hopefully one of the LAF maintainers will be interested, the FlatLaf get a lot of attention right now.

  • Iwontgive youmyname

    I'd be glad to cooperate. Can you give me instructions on how to take the stack trace, set any debug options and all that?

    One more update: I tested on a third machine, very similar with the others, except this time it worked. The only difference (as far as I can tell right now) with the other machines was the Custom HiDPI scaling provided by xfce; the third machine was set at its default (96), whereas the other ones had a higher scale value (up to 150).

    I'll try different settings and see if I can find something definite that triggers the problem on my end. I'll report back should I find anything.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2023-02-19

    I guess jstack is recommend (there are several ways). See for a pretty good description.

    similar with the others, except this time it worked

    Wow, that is intriguing.

  • Iwontgive youmyname

    So, a fast update:

    The setups that exhibit the problems had a custom DPI setting of 160, roughly ~1.7 of the original value which was 96. Dropping this value down to something more reasonable like 118 resolves the problem.

    However, this made me increase the font size (from the XFCE appearence panel, not inside netbeans), from 10 to 16, at which point, the problem reappears.

    To me this is conclusive evidence that as soon as the font size increases above a certain level, the bug appears. Can you reproduce this behaviour in your setup by cranking up the font sizes or by increasing the DPI setting?



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