
Mobile Vélib / News: Recent posts


To install the application on you handheld, it must include a J2ME virtual machine with CLDC 1.1 and MIDP 2.0
Transfering the .jar on the phone over BlueTooth is usually sufficient.
Else, put both .jad and .jar on an accessible web server and open the .jad url with the device browser

Posted by niluge 2007-11-10


Latest version of the compiled program is available on CVS under the deployed directory

Posted by niluge 2007-11-10

Initial release

Initial release is out.

It is still a beta, but all functionalities are here already.

Research history and sorting is handled, all connections for geocoding, requests to the Velib server, fetching maps on google maps, as well as directions to stations.

Posted by niluge 2007-11-10