
Jus / News: Recent posts

Working Directory and More

There is now a way to set the working directory of a Jus file: set workingDir: <directory>. This is a top-level element. This makes Jus files much cleaner, and seems to work pretty well so far.

Also, now if you reference a variable with $(...), the value is either the value defined in the Jus file, or, if that is not defined, the value of the system property of that name, or the value ##Undefined##.... read more

Posted by Kevin Lewis 2001-03-10

Ant Integration In!

The first pass at Ant integration is in. It's been tested with a simple Ant task: move. More testing needs to be done, and there is more integration work to do (attributes for tasks). However, this is a big step. Full integration reduces redundancy and makes Jus much more versitile.

This integration was done with Ant 1.2. An Ant jar has not yet been included in CVS. This should happen soon.

Posted by Kevin Lewis 2001-01-20

String concatenation

New version up that supports string concatenation. It's not very nice support; it requires a "+", like Java. I would like to support something more like shell scripts (e.g., $(lib)/one.jar), but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. If anyone knows, please let me know!

Posted by Kevin Lewis 2001-01-09

Up and Running

Jus has finally been imported into CVS. The delays were due to the significant SF changes going on during December 2000. Jus is already very functional. At this point, it meets most of my goals for it. Remaining tasks are posted. Jus also needs to be tested in work environments to iron out error handling, though there are many unit tests that verify good behavior to a large extent. Please give it a try and feedback the results!

Posted by Kevin Lewis 2001-01-05