
File Upload Applet / News: Recent posts

Upload file of any size: break your ISP maxUploadSize limit!

Since 2.8.0, you can upload file of any size, even bigger than the max upload size of your webserver.

This is done by splitting the file in chunks.

See the new applet parameters, coming with the 2.8.0 version: maxChunkSize and maxFileSize.

Thanks to Marcus Engene (sourceforge id: ehsmeng) for his idea, and the code sample he gave me.


Posted by Etienne 2007-02-28

JUpload can now upload through SSL

Since 2.6.0, and thanks to David Gnedt, the applet can upload towards https URL !

Test it on the jupload web site:


Posted by Etienne 2007-01-22

JUpload can now handle pictures and keep session data !

JUpload project now contains a jupload2 module. This module contains an updated version of jupload, that allows :
- Sending the navigator cookies back to the server (see CoppermineUploadPolicy)
- Sending file by file, sending file by packet of files, or all files at once,
- Manage pictures. This allows to:
+ Preview pictures
+ Rotate pictures before upload
+ Resize picture to lower upload times (and server load). The maximum size is a parameter
(see PictureUploadPolicy and CoppermineUploadPolicy)... read more

Posted by Etienne 2006-09-07