
#65 pb progress bar with proxy


I installed recently an jupload applet for a client, this applet is used to upload many pdf files (about 100 Mo each)
Files are uploaded on a webserver apache. All works fine exept we encounter a problem width the progress bar.
The network of this company has a proxy (squid), which obviously is the cause of the problem.
When you start upload, the progress bar goes immediately to 100%. So you never know when upload is done
The applet behaves like a local upload

Any idea ?

Thank you


  • Etienne

    Etienne - 2011-12-09


    The 'progress bar' shows what the user knows. That is : the sending of the file bytes. If the proxy receives quickly the bytes, but is long to forward them to the actual server, then you'll have this behavior.

    You'll have to check this, by investigating on the network traffic.
    1) From the applet. Put the debug to 101 (yes, it's not in the doc ;-) ), and you'll see the information about the packet of bytes sent by the applet, in the debug output. You'll see how fast ot sends the bytes. I guess it's as fast as its progress bar, but it's worth a check.
    2) Use wireshark between the applet and the proxy. This should confirm point 1
    3) Check the proxy logs. Perhaps you can have some information there, but it's beyond my support level.
    4) Use wireshark between the proxy and your server.

    As I don't think it's a JUpload issue, I changed the 'bug' status (pending and rejected).
    If I'm wrong here, that is : if it is a bug, I'll off course put these values back to their original value, and correct the bug.


  • Scott

    Scott - 2011-12-10

    Hi Etienne,

    Thank you for your quick response. Your debug mode 101 as a surprising behaviour. Probably it's testing every packet to retrieve informations, so the applet is working fine behind the proxy. We have now a progress bar increasing normally.
    The only thing is that the transfer rate tops out at 200 ko/s, whether in local environment or prod. Is there a way to increase this ?

    Thank you

  • Etienne

    Etienne - 2011-12-12


    I don't think that the debug level would have any impact on the progress bar.

    What happens is that it slows down a lot the applet. You can check the CPU consumtion on this computer. It should be quite high.

    My opinion, is that sending the file to the proxy is almost immediate. So, according to the applet, the file is sent very quickly.
    You'll have to check the other points of my first mail...




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