




Junksurf takes control of your firefox browser to adulterate your interests in the world wide web by automatic browsing.

Currently JunkSurf is a simple bash script to instruct firefox to browse some sites and subsites in random times, for instance if you are not at home. It gets new links from this sites and updating automaticly its database with destination addresses.

The background:
The government of countries instruct ISPs to storage all the data. Of course, only for safety! Privacy is not an option. You are creating junk data by using Junksurf.

Later Features

To be continued:
my-sleeping-time setting (pause mode)
Do websearches with more than one word
Random times depends on textlength, too
Junksurf open a new firefox-window and let your firefox window unaffected
watching different videos on Youtube 0-3h a day
Junksurf depends not on a screensaver
Junksurf RSS-only



Detailed Description

JunkSurf is using two scripts. One is getting latest destination adresses and gets new links from its own researches.

The second one is the "client script" and instruct firefox to browse to websites in random times, if the screensaver is active.

The first version of JunkSurf uses wget, but wget is not suitable to browse like a real browser. So the next versions uses the firefox command line functions. The ISP or third organisations are further no more able to analyse the data. All Right! Of course they are able to analyse, but the result of it does not reflect your interests anymore to 100%.


Download the junksurf.deb to install on debian systems with command dpkg. Download the tar file to copy it manualy on other platforms or to change the scripts.

Download JunkSurf junksurf.deb


... and unfortunately junksurf depends on xscreensaver. Make sure that there is no other screensaver working.


sudo dpkg -i junksurf.deb

Starting junksurf

Take a look in the category internet (software) or create a launcher on your desktop.


  1. Junksurf uses the internet automaticly. Please run junksurf only with an internet flatrate.
  2. If junksurf start its work, all firefox-windows will be closed. Save your things befor leaving the keyboard.
  3. Turn off your loud speaker.


Sometimes, mostly after reboot, there comes a message like "no saver status on root window". Junksurf won't start. To fix it, click on screensaver-preview in your xscreensaver-settings and start junksurf again.

Possible solutions without (x)screensaver

If you don't have any screensaver, maybe you can edit the bash-script. Either you can change it to a clear loop and start it manualy or try to set up a listener on /dev/input/eventX or /dev/input/mice to get it started in the right time.