Ezequiel - 2014-03-19

Hi, this is my ant configuration Run links are never generated!!!
The junits reports are copied fine to the storage folder.
The history report is complete generated but runs links not.

I am using java 7, ant 1.9.3

            <!-- Generating a test history -->

<target name="generate.history" description="Generates a test history from existing Unit-reports.">
<java jar="${unitth.dir}/unitth.jar" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="128m">

                <sysproperty key="unitth.html.report.path" value="${junit.output.dir}" />
                <sysproperty key="unitth.report.dir" value="${reportStorage}"/> 
                <sysproperty key="unitth.generate.exectimegraphs" value="true"/>
                <sysproperty key="unitth.xml.report.filter" value="TEST-"/>
                <arg value="${reportStorage}/report-*" />

It is a bug??
