
Colt and LGPL

  • Erlend Viddal

    Erlend Viddal - 2009-05-20

    Thanks for a great library.

    A while ago, we created a quick patch to remove the LGPL code in the colt library that are not used by Jung
    as of version 2 (see ).
    The motivations for the patch are due to the apparent incompatibilities between the Apache license and LGPL.
    The changes we have made have played well with our uses of the Jung2 beta so far, and passed all the Jung unit tests.

    Are there any chances that future versions of Jung will include (or depend on) a version of colt without the LGPL parts?


    • Joshua O'Madadhain


      There's a decent chance of this, but we haven't yet had time to check your patch out for ourselves.  Please keep bugging us about this, however.  :)


  • rabbbit

    rabbbit - 2011-12-02

    Sorry for resurrecting this topic ( this is the most recent topic about "license" that search returned) but .. are there any news on that? :)

  • Joshua O'Madadhain

    Closing out this ancient thread: JUNG 2.1 and later do not include COLT, and in fact only depend on Guava, so this issue is no longer present.

  • hemal mos

    hemal mos - 2020-09-20

    I cannot see the code making node strolling as if one node. In which can I locate this code? LIke this blog Which funstionality is used to move decided on node as if one node?

  • Lisa Peers

    Lisa Peers - 2023-05-09
    Post awaiting moderation.

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