
Colour Edges automatically

  • Derek Johnson

    Derek Johnson - 2015-07-09

    I am creating a directed graph dynamically based on data I receive. I want to colour code the edges automatically at not based on any condition.

    Transformer<String, Paint> edgePaint = new Transformer<String, Paint>() 
            private final Color[] palette = {Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.RED, Color.GRAY,     Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN, Color.WHITE,};
            int i=0;
            public Paint transform(String graphEdge) 
                if(i == 7)
                    i = 0;
                    i = i + 1;
                return palette[i];

    I tried the above code, but each time I zoom - the colour for each edge changes. How can I colour my edges without any condition? I want a random colour to be assigned to each edge. Also, the name of the edge is not predictable and it varies with the kind of data I recieve.

    Is there any fix ?

  • Joshua O'Madadhain

    If you want a consistent (random) color per edge, create a Map<[edge type], Paint> in which you store the colors that you want, and build a Transformer based on that Map. Or create a specialized edge type that contains a field for the color, and base your Transformer on that.

    As it is, you're basically asking for a new color every time the graph gets repainted.

    (These days, it's better to post questions like this on StackOverflow with the 'jung' tag; they'll get much better visibility that way. SourceForge's RSS feed for discussions is kind of busted.)


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