
code examples

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Dear all,

    I want to try JUNG to visualise a huge IT landscape. Now I 'm searching for some code example, but can't find anything. The applets showed at the example page are without any source...

    Please could you support me?

    Thanks a lot!


    • Code_Slave

      Code_Slave - 2004-10-24

      tell me what you want to do in more detail.

      I use it to link business partners together, suppliers/factories/ customers/ etc.

      I find using drag & drop  onto the jung layout is much easier.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      But I only need some small "ready to compile" sources to understand JUNG more clearly.

      It would be nice, if I could get the sources of the sample applets...


    • Michael Boeni

      Michael Boeni - 2004-10-24

      I can send you the samples if you don't have them. They are a goo starting point.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Fine! Thanks a lot for your support: my mail adress is:

    • Joshua O'Madadhain

      The sample code is in the samples/ directory of the .zip file of the distribution.  As described in the Release Notes, there are four distribution files: the complete .zip--this is what you want--the basic .jar, the documentation .zip, and the source .jar.


  • NewOnJUNG

    NewOnJUNG - 2012-12-19

    Hi, i am new at Jung. I am working on a project that uses jung 1.7.6 and I am looking for some examples of the old jung. Could anyone help me finding some code examples, so I can compilate them and try.
    Many thanks

  • Joshua O'Madadhain

    I'm sorry to hear that you still have to work with 1.7.6.  Please note that we no longer support it.

    If you have any choice about upgrading, I recommend that you do so.  Many things will be easier and faster.

    Otherwise: there are samples in the 1.7.6 distribution files.



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