preeti - 2015-04-02

Hi jung users and developers,

thank you for developing such a wonderful package and for helpful answers in the discussion forum. That specifically has bailed me out several times! :-) I have some questions regarding the satellite view feature that I hope if answered would help me learn how to adapt it to suit my needs.

I have a graph that is displayed in a visualization viewer (referred to as circleViewer). The vertices in the circleViewer have a popup menu that when triggered generates a sparser acyclic graph with displayed in dagViewer. The problem with this approach is I end up with a lot of windows!

My questions -

  1. Is it possible to add the acyclic graph to the satellite view?

  2. Can I somehow decrease the "link" between satellite and master so I can allow manipulation of acyclic graph by adding a new popup menu to vertices in the satellite graph view?

  3. I have limited proficiency in Java so can what I described be done with relative ease or would I have to been an expert to achieve it?

Many thanks for any help and apologies for a long post!

Kind regards,