
Make CircleLayout class Serializable

  • Teddy

    Teddy - 2013-12-02

    Hello all,

    I would like to request making the edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.CircleLayout class Serializable. I am using it for my Bachelor's degree project and will appreciate if you are able to assist me with that. In addition, I think that the AbstractLayout class which is the parent of CircleLayout should also have a default constructor in order to allow deserialization of the children classes.

    I really hope you will be able to satisfy my request.

  • Xesenix

    Xesenix - 2013-12-15

    Maybe you can create classes for marshaling and unmarshaling your layout to serializable form?
    Let say LayoutDescriptor is serializable version of layout marshaling is process of converting unserializable form to LayoutDescriptor form and unmarshaling in other direction.
    Your LayoutDescriptor can be simple class with HashMap field for Vertex to Point2d mapping marshaling would read all vertex and write it to this map and unmarshaling reading from map to static layout.


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