
Junctioneer / News: Recent posts

Current sources out of date

The current sources found at are really out of date. When a 0.1 is released it will not build on the sources found here. Some code parts may be the same such as the Iso-engine and routines for 2D graphics with SDL and so. But the core have been built up again from scratch.

Not only are they out of date. It is also known that they does only compile on an old gcc, not the most recent ones.

Posted by Leif 2006-08-02

Development continues, slowly..

It is around 7 months since I flagged this project as inactive. Now, last weeks I have started to work a bit with the internals that will handle the car-line-junction relations. This work haven't yet been integrated with the Junctioneer sources.

Still I am a developer at Transport Empire (hosted here at but at least until the coding starts I will likely do some work with Junctioneer. Most work that I do for Junctioneer, I currently do because I love to program, and I like queues, junctions, jams etc. Eventually it might become something, but don't except to much for now.

Posted by Leif 2005-05-17

Stop development?

I have known this for a while. Wanted it not to be true.

To compleete version 0.1 I have to put in ~50 hours. Maby more, maby less. To compleete the project I will have to put in more hours than I can afford. So unles a bunch of skilled programers joins the project I will probably not finish it. At least in close futue. An other argument for joining a bigger project is that I don't have to learn how to use every tool and every library that that the project will use. ... read more

Posted by Leif 2004-10-01

New web site!

Junctioneer has got a new homepage. The new web site is hosted at (thanks to It will only serve the Junctioneer project. No more comfusion with navigation, as when it was a part of a bigger site. I hope you will enjoy the new site, and please tell us if you have any comments.

Here is a link to the new site:

Posted by Leif 2004-08-10