Activity for Jumpcut

  • Scot Self Scot Self posted a comment on ticket #24

    Great news! Thanks for that. :)

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #6

    Update routine fails

  • Danilcha Danilcha posted a comment on ticket #22

    Thank you!

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #6

    64 bit update?

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #15

    Dan, thanks for filing the feature request during the long period when Jumpcut wasn't under active development. This is a good idea; let me think about how we might make this happen in the UX.

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #21

    Please please please make 64-bit version!!!!!

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #18

    Jumpcut incompatable with Lion (10.7)

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #18

    Jumpcut 0.63 runs successfully through High Sierra; the 0.7x branch runs for El Capitan+. Closing this ticket.

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #24

    Large clips lock up the overlay

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #24

    And a brute-force fix is now in place for Jumpcut 0.71, released on Github and via Homebrew. Thanks for the bug report!

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #17

    Dr Freud would like your opinion on Jumpcut's popup, please.

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #17

    The scissors graphic is not currently displayed in the 0.7x branch, and I'll have someone tweak the image before it's restored.

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #21

    Overlay/bezel logo looks like a cock and balls

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #21

    The scissors image isn't currently displayed in the 0.7x branch, and I'll have someone tweak the graphics before it's restored.

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #22

    Popup window is hidden after monitor resolution change

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #22

    The 0.71 release available on Github and via Homebrew contains this fix.

  • Danilcha Danilcha posted a comment on ticket #22

    Thank you, Steve!

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #12

    'Escape' doesn't dismiss bezel

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #13

    Don't remember expanded Text Expander Macros

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #13

    Resolved in Jumpcut 0.70!

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #22

    Dailcha, Steven -- Jumpcut development has resumed (for however long) on GitHub, and there's an 0.70 release that will run under Catalina (github/snark). I'm goingg to capture this for work for the 0.7x branch.

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #23

    Alex, development has resumed for now on GitHub (snark/jumpcut) and an 0.70 release came out to keep Jumpcut running under Catalina -- I don't have a second menu rig set up to try duplicating this, but I'll capture the issue and see if we can get it fixed.

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #8

    "Launch Jumpcut on login" missing 0.63

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #8

    This has been addressed in the long-delayed release of Jumpcut 0.70. ( for anyone discovering this ticket via Google.)

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #14

    Jumpcat 0.63 crashes on 10.3.9 PPC

  • Steve C Steve C modified ticket #20

    Data Loss in Yosemite

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #20

    This has been addressed in the long-delayed release of Jumpcut 0.70. ( for anyone discovering this ticket via Google.)

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #24

    Scot, many years later this is being addressed on the current Github project (snark/jumpcut). Thanks for opening the ticket!

  • Steve C Steve C modified a comment on ticket #6

    64-bit version is now released:

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #6

    64-bit version is now release:

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #21

    64-bit release is now out, folks: I'm trying to dig up my old credentials to create a redirect from Sourceforge to the new page.

  • Rob Pearce Rob Pearce posted a comment on ticket #21

    I'd like to add another voice to the crowd asking for an update. I'd hate to lose this one to the next OS update. Haven't found anything to match it at any price.

  • Gregor Gregor posted a comment on ticket #21


  • fred johnsen fred johnsen created ticket #21

    Please please please make 64-bit version!!!!!

  • Sauva Hanryu Sauva Hanryu created ticket #6

    64 bit update?

  • Rory Newman Rory Newman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Thank you so much for Jumpcut, it's invaluable. Can I make a suggestion? What I'd really like is a 2nd jumpcut. So you have a 2nd pair of scissors in the bar at the top, but with a number 2 in it. The 2nd jumpcut should allow you to save text to it but to a specific location. If you copy some text, it should save to JC1 and JC2. In JC2, you should have numbers going down, from 1 to 20 or 50, however many you set. With one number for each line of text. But before you click copy, you should be...

  • Eliot Lash Eliot Lash posted a comment on ticket #4

    Thanks for the update, Steve. I did eventually find the new github repo, but only...

  • Steve C Steve C modified a comment on ticket #4

    Abandoned by its author is almost but not quite entirely accurate (I am the author)....

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #4

  • Steve C Steve C posted a comment on ticket #4

    Abandoned by its author is almost but not quite accurate (I am the author). I've...

  • Eliot Lash Eliot Lash posted a comment on ticket #4

    Thanks! One caveat, I think there may be a bug in my implementation at the moment,...

  • Tybion Tybion posted a comment on ticket #4

    Brilliant. Just what I needed. Have downloaded and using in Sierra.

  • Eliot Lash Eliot Lash created ticket #5


  • Eliot Lash Eliot Lash posted a comment on ticket #14

    I implemented a simple version of "Paste All" here - new build is attached to the...

  • Eliot Lash Eliot Lash created ticket #4

    "Paste All" feature

  • D_J D_J created ticket #25

    Feature Request: Pasting

  • Patrick Horn Patrick Horn posted a comment on ticket #20

    I agree to your feature request, but you should change the title "Data Loss in Yosemite"...

  • Steven Luscher Steven Luscher modified a comment on ticket #17

    Duplicate of [#21].

  • Steven Luscher Steven Luscher posted a comment on ticket #17

    Duplicate of #21.

  • Steven Luscher Steven Luscher posted a comment on ticket #22

    Next to Chrome, I think Jumpcut is my most used application, and this bug kills me...

  • Steven Luscher Steven Luscher posted a comment on ticket #21

    Honestly, I've been embarrassed to on-lookers by this too.

  • Scot Self Scot Self created ticket #24

    Large clips lock up the overlay

  • Alex Telford Alex Telford created ticket #23

    Moving cursor while pasting from menu

  • Simon Olsen Simon Olsen posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Adding a suggestion to JumpCut. I use 1Password... a lot! And I'm noticing that 1Password...

  • Phil Steinke Phil Steinke posted a comment on ticket #20

    I just noticed this has been the case since at least September 2011, so isn't unique...

  • Phil Steinke Phil Steinke created ticket #20

    Data Loss in Yosemite

  • Martin Tinu Martin Tinu posted a comment on a wiki page

    Preferences General Sticky bezel if it's selected, you must explicitly hit return...

  • Danila Piatov Danila Piatov created ticket #22

    Popup window is hidden after monitor resolution change

  • Altonator Altonator posted a comment on ticket #21

    The problem is most apparent when on a black background, as the scissors are black,...

  • Altonator Altonator created ticket #21

    Overlay/bezel logo looks like a cock and balls