
Julian - a Xaraya calendar module / News: Recent posts

Julian 0.2.6 Released

This exciting update to Julian, the calendar module for Xaraya ( brings a nicer interface, added configurability and cleaner code.
Everybody is invited to see the results!

Posted by Michel 2005-11-17

Julian development now in Monotone

The development of Julian has followed Xaraya and now uses Monotone. More details on changes can be found at The sourceforge website (here) has served well, and will continue to provide the latest version for download.

Posted by Michel 2005-07-14

Julian moved to xaraya bugzilla

Development of the Julian module is now based on bitkeeper at This sourceforge site will continue to be used for the distribution of julian packages, but CVS will be closed.
Bugs and patches can from now only be submitted to only.
Support can be optained in more areas, for the moment the support request at SF will be left open. Probably faster response can be obtained from the newsgroups at Xaraya.

Posted by Michel 2005-06-30

Julian 0.2.2 Released

We have released the latest version of our Xaraya Calendar. Included are now hooks and an overview of new events. The upgrade is highly recommended when you are encountering bugs. Some bugs reported might be solved with this update, please check if your bugs still are there.

Posted by Michel 2005-06-24

Julian 0.2.1 Released

The project team Julian has released a major upgrade. This upgrade makes Julian integrate more with Xaraya and allow for greater flexibility. However, due to the changes you are encouraged to backup your database before performing the upgrade. Please report any problems on the project's page at

Posted by Michel 2005-03-30

Julian 0.1.5 Released

Julian is a calendar module for Xaraya, the content management system.
Today, Julian version 0.1.5 was released. This update includes improved security checks, complete rewritten templates to become Xaraya compliant and more admin options.

Posted by Michel 2005-03-13

Julian 0.1.4 update

Julian has released a bug fix update for Julian. The calendar module is now compatible with Xaraya 0.9.12. Pleae report any bugs or feature requests at the Sourceforge site:

Posted by Michel 2005-03-02

Julian 0.1.2 release

The Julian project has released a maintenance release of Julian - the calendar module for Xaraya CMS.

Posted by Michel 2005-01-25

Julian 0.1.1 Update

Minor bug fix. Removed table name dependencies.

Posted by digger 2004-11-12

Julian 0.1.0 Release

Julian is a calendar module for Xaraya. This is the initial Release.

Posted by digger 2004-11-11