
JuffEd 0.2 released

After several months of development stable version of JuffEd 0.2 is released.

Main changes in comparison with 0.1.2:

* Added: line markers;
* Added: opening of multiple files with "Open file" dialog and command line;
* Added: using existing instance of application for opening files (*nix only);
* Added: notification of changing file by external program;
* Added: "Recent files" menu;
* Added: closing documents with middle-click on the corresponding tab (Qt >= 4.3);
* Added: optional making a backup copy of file when saving;
* Added: auto-saving option;
* Added: line length indicator;
* Added: options "Show line numbers" and "Adjust by width" for each document separately;
* Added: session name and file name in window title;
* Added: license to "About" dialog;
* Added: option "Save as a copy" to "Save as" dialog;
* Added: toolbar icons size changing;
* Added: German, French and Spanish localizations;
* Improved response when search reaches the end or the beginning of the document;
* New "About" dialog;

Further development is directed to using QScintilla as a text editing component and creating a mechanism of plugins.

Posted by Mezomish 2008-04-07

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